Ch. 1 | The Unknown

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chapter one, THE UNKNOWN


The baby-blue colored sky darkened with melancholic greys, the winds picking up with the leaves dancing harshly with the blistering winds. One out of the many that lived in the forest could only gasp at the quick, soaring figure spotted amongst their foggy surroundings, a sudden cry resonating from it.

It's cry caught the attention of many after it thundered throughout the entirety of the land.

Gasps were heard and eyes could only widen in realization. After years of hearing it's existence through the stories of their ancestors, the youngest of people could only be at awe at the brief sight of the light feathered bird soaring high up in the darkened sky it made upon its arrival.

Its cold and clouded e/c eyes glinted at the far sight of the golems, the harsh feeling of bursts of gale, and the burning temperature from the tiniest of salamanders.

The surreal being turned left, swiftly landing at the edge of the misty boarder. As its sharp talons hit the ground, its own coat of mist engulfed the enormous being and out came a s/c skinned human, your e/c eyes trained longingly out to the final end of the boarder.

Then there it was, the ethereal voice that called to you. The hairs on your body stood up, heart racing with anticipation. Yet all you could do was touch the misty boarder, a pull repeatedly itching you to go out yourself. You wanted to see where it had come from. It was fairly different to the one you have heard before: such divinity, compared to the ethereal one that you've heard just now.

Your lips pursed, eyes closing and head hung low with frustration. The longing feeling of going to who-knows-what was slowly killing you. The eager feeling of just going up to what made you feel this strongly. Because not once had you felt this sort of feeling, and it surely is driving you towards insanity. A crave so powerful-- and it made you chuckle.

You never really needed anything more in your life. . . until the voices came.

You've never felt so. . . needy. To crave for something out of the unknown. The desire to know what it truly is.

And one day. . . one day you will find out what it is. What's been calling you for all these years.

And that day is today.

So with a glare at the misty barrier, you turned around, sprinting to a more spacious clearing before shifting yourself into a bird once more. You soared higher and higher until flashes of purple, blue, and white light came to be in various clouds.

Yet you stopped, heart dropping to the deepest pits of your stomach as you twisted around. Your eyes widened at the sight of the barrier, which you once entered, now instantly taken down and opening up a path with just a touch of a hand.

You were definitely caught off guard at the sudden realization that someone from the outside had temporarily taken down part of the misty barrier. The darkened clouds You, gradually turning into a more lighter color until it looks like normal, fluffy white clouds. The sun rays illuminated brilliantly when it does, causing you to slowly glide down one of the many branched trees, hiding yourself from the unknown.

Meanwhile, a group of five was forcefully pushed deeper into the forest. Their protests falling on deaf ears as it suddenly stopped, the cleared path behind them closing up once more.

One particular blonde looked back with visible shock and confusion, nearing the misty barrier the same as a brunette did. While a white snowman repeatedly tried to go to the start, only to be flung back again, and again, and again.

The blonde woman payed the duo no mind, extending a hand out as she shot out ice, dodging narrowly when it was reflected back at her. The brunette stared at her sister with worry, but back at the misty barrier once more, growing nervous.

"Aaand. . . we're locked in." The brunette, Anna, stated with defeat, whilst her blonde sister only looks back, conflicted, when she felt prying eyes piercing her figure.

But the feeling was washed away the moment she finally took notice on what was waiting for them.

The enchanted forest glowed with all its magnificent glory. A warm glow and aura emitting all around them. And it made Elsa gasp with surprise, wonder and amazement. The forest her father and mother told her years ago was much more amazing in person. She can already feel her heart going light and body relax, moving forwards and, officially, inside the enchanted forest.

The others followed suit, just as amazed and mesmerized with the forest's beauty as she is. And Elsa could only marvel at the beauty, stopping on a birch tree as she looks up with a brightened smile.

They took their own paths with exploring the enchanted forest, the only couple in the group being together-- and reindeer --going the same way, the snowman parting much further from them, which had the blonde woman being left behind with an excited yet overwhelmed heart.

From afar, you watched her, not minding any of the others that was with her. Your head tilted to the side as you watch her looking at every single detail she could find, chuckling like a little child just at the surreal sight. Elsa had never seen a beauty such as this, and it was truly unworldly.

The branches underneath you fell as you took a leap to the other available tree, dilated eyes going back to normal. Your eyes turned from confusion to slight wonder at the blonde's slightly childish actions. From taking the fallen leaves, inspecting it, to lightly kicking the stash of dried leaves that she spots.

Yet that was until she stopped, hearing cricketing noises that zoomed from one place to the other. And since you could hear it and feel the wind as well, you silently hissed, eyes back to their dilated state as you caught the wind spirit swirling around the strangers with equal wonder as they have.

"Elsa!" The wind spirit dispersed at that, causing you to come out of your defensive state and stare down at the rushing brunette. She clasped Elsa's hand, face contorted with obvious worry that made you intrigued, held tilted to the side once more as you made a small purring noise, observing them closely.

"There you are. Are you okay?" She asked her sister who only nodded, assuring Anna with a small smile.

"I'm fine."

"Okay, good." Anna sighed, but straightened up once she realized something. "Where's olaf?"

The sudden question caused Elsa to raise her eyebrows and look around like Anna did, equal with her younger sister's confusion at the moment.

The looked at each other and snapped their eyes to the approaching best friends-- Sven and Kristoff. Anna was the first to approach them. "Have you seen Olaf?"

"No-- wait, he's not with you?" Kristoff asked Elsa who could only shake her head with worry. She hugged herself in a pathetic attempt to calm herself, before she decided to stick close to not get lost even more, and find Olaf along the way.

You followed the group silently, body turning darker as the sun slowly sets. You guessed that the "Olaf" they mentioned was that little white snowman that came with them. You were still unsure of the snow being, but you could only sit back and watch them from afar.

The search for the snowman didn't take long when a loud laugh echoed from where the group, and you, are from. Then it dawned on you that the snowman was inside a raging tornado made by the angered wind spirit. You have nothing against the wind spirit other than you are uncomfortable with its presence, possibly because it is the closest with your own element, energy-- mainly called: lightning.

You stayed back but watched with a nerved feeling as the group was swept further and further away. You could only stay at a safer distance, away, and you spotted only four leaving the raging tornado.

Your heart unknowingly stopped when you noticed that the blonde wasn't one of them.

The tornado had only turned into a swirling ball that encased the blonde. Your heart palpitates, anticipation rising and growing. The wind was slowly sweeping you away as it did with the four beings, yet you stood your ground and even thought of moving when you caught sight of blue eminence.

As you made an attempt to stop the growing chaos, everything exploded with blue.

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