Ch. 2 | Light

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chapter two. LIGHT

All cleared up with the wind spirit finally being tamer and tamer. Even your ever-growing uneasiness with the spirit slowly dissipates. What filled the empty clearing were statues of ice, looking like moments from the past.

"What are these?" Kristoff asked, looking at a reindeer ice statue. Sven posed and wiggled his eyebrows at the sight.

"Whoa. . . they look like moments in time." Elsa spoke up with wonder and awe, gently caressing the iced statue as she stares up. Anna pursed her lips together and turn back the unknowing snowman that tried to warm himself with the iced fire.

"What's that thing you say, Olaf?" She asked him, causing Olaf to perk up, approaching Anna with the plethora of trivia he mentioned earlier during their journey.

Anna shot down the first two until she allowed him to continue about the thing related to water. "Oh, yeah." he starts with a small agreement. "Water has memory. The water that makes up you and me has passed four humans and-or animals before us."

At this information, Sven spat out the water he chose to drink causing Anna to hum and for Elsa to grimace either Olaf's little trivia or Sven spitting out the water.

You overhead it and held the same expression as Elsa held, only with more disgust.

"— And remembers everything." Olaf finished and you cast your eyes away from the snowman and to the floating reindeer, finding it more intriguing as the Wind Spirit checked with the group .

It starts with Sven, then with Olaf (who named the spirit "Gale", and Kristoff as the spirit went inside his clothes, then with Anna as Gale playfully covered her with her cloak.

The last was the blonde, and Elsa chuckles at the tamed version of the Wind Spirit, Gale. "Are you in a better mood now?" She asks, and even if that was the case, a much different feeling still remains. It made her look around subtly, and in a small, split second- she spotted something rather dark in color.

But when she looked back, it was gone.

With one last look casted towards the group, you scratched the ground with your sharp talons before flying away.

: :

You returned not that long after you had left, spotting some sort of ritual that Olaf was doing. He was. . . telling? Something? Something about Elsa and Anna being sisters, and then drama and love happening— you couldn't keep up with him. And it left you dazed, confused, yet intrigued and somewhat curious.

So you quietly sat on a branch, unmoving yet attentive— a bit bored, but you blame it on being exhausted and sleepy. The restless nights of just hearing that voice took a toll on you, even if it was mesmerizing and lovely.

One part of that weird ritual intrigued you, however.

"— Oh, and then Elsa woke up the magical spirits and we were forced out of our kingdom, and now our only hope is to find the truth about the past, but we don't have a clue on how to do that, except Elsa is hearing voices so we got that going through us. Any questions?"

That went by so fast you had to blink several times before even registering the first part of all that.

Wait— she's hearing voices too—

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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