What We Do In The Shadows: "The Number and Address of the Beast..." Part II...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "The Number and Address of the Beast..."

Summary: A friend of Laszlo's from Manhattan in the 90s seeks advice from the Staten gang.

(Note: Just a little fun for Halloween)

Part II...

"Look, 'Cosmo'..." Elaine told her cellphone. "You may be famous and successful and married to Marion the Librarian, but you can still pick up a phone and call an old friend. I need to talk to you. ASAP...This is..."

"Voice mailbox overfull, please try again later." The reply.

Urrgh!...She slammed phone on her table.

Can't believe it...Kramer, with too busy a social life to get, let alone, take, my calls.

Damn...And I don't even have Jerry's number. Last time I called the old one out in LA it was disconnected, even through that's all his website and his former agent have.

Strange...Jerry always liked privacy but...Even if he has more or less retired and lives off his "Jerry" series royalties...

Well, fine. Who needs either of them?

Though I sure would like to talk to one of them and find out if they put that girl up to this.

Of course, it could have been George...

Nah...Not on his own at least, he's neither that smart nor funny.

At least in this life, if the 'ghost of Susan Ross' was telling the truth...

Please? George has a soulmate and it's...?

On the other hand, it always was uncanny how she kept coming back for more...And he kept going out to offer more...

Well, it's somebody's awful joke for Halloween...


Yeah, right.

The phone buzzed...

"Yeah, Benes, what's got you by the throat? Oh, hi, David." She sighed.

"Oh, yeah, having a ball. Great party, sorry you couldn't make it. What? Oh...Sure...Yeah. Tomorrow's good. No, it's good. No...I want to have dinner, David. I like to eat. Come on, don't be like that. Ok, see ya tomorrow afternoon at four for the early bird special. Right. Bye, David."

Shuts off phone...Cheap bastard. The early bird special? "We're entitled to enjoy the benefits of our golden years, Elaine"...Eh, suck yer golden years, Puddy.

Still, he means well...And I'd like to talk this over with someone.

Kinda almost wish he'd...

The phone buzzed...

"Yo, Puddy." She called, rather eagerly. "Oh, hi, George."

She eyed phone...

"No, it's fine, not a bad time." To his anxious mutterings... "Sure, Happy Halloween. Ya dress up and go tricker-treatin'?" grin.

"Well, I wore a costume...It was a Halloween costume party. You should've come. What? Yes, I did invite you, but you never... George? I invited you. Heck, I didn't want to go alone and Puddy thinks Halloween is the Devil's night. Well, yeah...It's my costume, the catwoman. I'm Catwoman." She intoned.

"George, I'm glad you called... Yes, I am, George. Look, I saw someone tonight. I think someone playing a very elaborate prank on me." Narrowing face. "You don't by any chance know if someone was pulling something, George? Well...Jerry, for instance..." frown. "No, he's not back that I know of. No, Kramer's in LA...The great Writor." She pronounced the words in her version of English accent.

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