episode 01 - welcome back!

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It’s been seven years since the Tenrou Team’s disappearance.

Usually, [Name] would spend the tragic anniversary all by herself, locked in a state of depression where she wouldn’t let anyone console her. Not anymore. Those days are over. Today, [Name] hangs out with Romeo. They don’t say much to each other while in Hargeon Port, staring at the sea. There’s a blanket laid beneath them and a few containers of food that’s been emptied since a while ago. 

A lot has changed over the years. Romeo is no longer the same boy he was when the Tenrou Team left. [Name] hugs her knees to her chest, wishing they all could see him now. He would make a fine wizard, no doubt about it. She’s grown up a bit herself, too. Anyone would be forced to grow up if they’d lost most of their family and have been subjected to humiliation repeatedly. 

[Name] sighs. Twilight Ogre is due for a visit today. That guild is full of cheating, scummy wizards who lose morals over jewels. It’s no wonder why they would be so quick to snatch all of Fairy Tail’s savings over the few weeks. [Name] can only hope they don’t cause any trouble today. 

“Romeo! [Name]-chan!”

[Name] whips her head to find Alzack and Bisca standing behind them with a grin on their faces. Time has been kind to them. Being a mother only amplified Bisca’s beauty. [Name] is envious of how one could look so radiant every single day. Alzack cut his hair; it’s much shorter now. [Name] prefers this look very much. His face is no longer hidden to the world. The married couple are a sight to behold. 

“How long are you going to stare at the sea?” Bisca asks, no malice in her tone. 

“Our job’s done. Let’s head back to the guild,” Alzack says, while beckoning them over. 

[Name] stretches her arms as she gets to her bare feet. She supposes it is time to go back home. She and Romeo have been there for hours already. The others must be worried about them. Wordlessly, Romeo stands as well and helps [Name] tidy up their makeshift picnic. 


“Your dad’s gonna be worried if we don’t get back soon.” 

[Name] yawns, exhausted from doing nothing at all. “Coming!”

“Macao asked us to look after you both, you know,” Bisca tells them. True to their nature, Fairy Tail wizards are protective of their own—but [Name] only wishes it wasn’t every day. She’s an adult now who can take care of herself despite Macao telling her regularly that she would always be their little girl. 

[Name] has a whole lot of stuff bundled in her arms. Just as she’s about to walk towards Bisca and Alzack, she notices Romeo still staring at the ocean. The waves crash against the port. Flocks of seagulls squawk as they pass by. [Name] inhales the tangy scent of the ocean. Romeo’s name is on the tip on her tongue when Alzack catches her attention.

He shakes his head. “Leave him be.”

[Name]’s eye twitches.

Without missing a beat, [Name] grabs Romeo by the back of his shirt and tugs him to where the married couple are. “Come on, Romeo. Your dad is waiting for us. I have to help Kinana with chores and then ask if there are any jobs available.”

Romeo whines. “Okay, okay, I’m coming. Geez!”

Bisca stifles a giggle. “You two are acting like real siblings.” 

[Name] fakes a gag. “I wouldn’t want to be related to this dork.”

“Me too!” 

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