episode 11 - more

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“She’s done it, everyone! The Wizard Saint is on his knees!” 

And Fairy Tail practically shakes the arena with their roars of triumph. 

“That’s my girl, y’all!” Bisca cheers, happy tears rolling down her face, nearly toppling over the thick railing. In the midst of her excitement, she squeezes Alzack’s hand tightly—he winces in pain, but endures it for his beloved wife, seeing her happy makes him happy. 

Jet cackles, eyes closed as he’s lost in his euphoria. His body quivers in quick waves of pride. “I always knew she could do it!” 

Romeo turns to look behind him, smugly grinning from ear-to-ear, positively thrilled to see the slacked jaws and bulging eyes from the Tenrou Group. That was his sister out there fighting. “Ha! Pay up, suckers!” 

“S—She hasn’t won yet,” Freed mutters in a daze, but it sure as hell felt like they had just taken home a victory. [Name] did that—she brought one of the most powerful wizards out there to the ground, bleeding and poisoned. Even Freed couldn’t deny it. She could win this. 

Lisanna has to rub her eyes multiple times. She knows [Name] is strong—she was S-Class, for Merlin’s sake—but wow, seeing her in action is something else. Not that she would ever admit it, but the way [Name] fought took her breath away. “S—So cool!

Evergreen let out a whistle, fanning herself. She had never been one to be proud of anyone but herself, but she supposes that she could make an exception just for this momentous day. Ever lets her glasses slip down her nose, an arrogant—but oh-so alluring—smirk gracing her lips. “Way to go, [Name].”

Panther Lily nods in approval. He’s caught glimpses of [Name]’s fighting style as she trained with Gajeel, but it was nothing compared to the real battles. She had the true spirit of a warrior and he respected that.

Max cups his hands over his mouth, yelling fervently, “Go, go, [Name]!

“Don’t hold back, kiddo!” Makarov hops on top of the half-wall, fists raised in the air as his eyes gleam with pride and only a tiny bit of bloodlust—events like these had his spirit pumping, wanting nothing but victories for his children. “Go forth! Win! Pummel him and drive him to defeat!” 

The First Master, Mavis, delightedly swings her feet back and forth. A win here would surely give them a huge advantage. She claps her hands, softly cheering for the wizard in the arena. 

Kinana nudges Laki, the two of them exchanging fond smiles as they watch [Name] fight. All the cheers, the praises, and applause—it is everything that [Name] deserves, and Laki will rip apart anyone who thought otherwise. 

From where they sit, Sabertooth is stupefied. 

Yukino is the only one who doesn’t bother to hide her emotions. Gasping as [Name] takes each brutal hit without any hesitation. Yukino thinks that if it were her up against a Wizard Saint, she would have quit in the first second. But [Name]—Yukino is enamored—[Name] fights ruthlessly and Yukino can tell that the wizard fights for her guild. 

She wonders what it would be like to be in a guild that truly cared for each other.

Sting rolls his eyes as the cheers grow louder. “Tch. It’s nothing interesting, I don’t see what everyone is going crazy for.” 

He sees it, though. He does—and it absolutely irritates him that he finds [Name] intriguing. Sting hates her, hates her guild, hates the way his eyes are drawn to her. Whatever, Sting thinks. She’s just like Natsu. They both have immense power but don’t use it properly at all. For a brief moment, he imagines what it would have been like if she was in Sabertooth.

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