episode 07 - did it hurt when you fell from the sky labyrinth?

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“Rose ice or green tea?”

Gajeel grunts as he turns his head away, folding his arms over his wooly sweatshirt. “Neither. I hate everything about this.”

[Name] bites her lip to avoid laughing right in his face. She dangles the two packets in front of him with a teasing grin. “Come on, Gajeel, it’s not that bad. Just choose. I’ll get whichever one you don’t want to use.”

“Today’s your lucky day. I don’t want to use both,” Gajeel retorts, much like a child would when throwing a fit. He evades her hands as if they were contaminated with a life-threatening virus. After minutes of dodging, he uncrosses his arms with an exasperated huff. “I’m not kidding, woman. I’ll eat them if you don’t get those out of my face right now.”

“Don’t be such a grump,” [Name] teases. She bends over, hands on her hips, as she sends him a playful smirk. “Even Laxus is doing it.” 

True enough, in the middle of their shared room, is one Laxus Dreyar in the flesh—with a red pomegranate essence facial mask plastered to his fair skin. He looks as comfortable as one can be sitting on the floor as he drains the other guild mates dry of their Jewels. Of course, it took a great amount of convincing for him to actually use the face mask. Mirajane and [Name] had promised him a month’s worth of free food from the guild. Now, as he plays Monopoly with the others, it’s like the slippery sheet isn’t even on his face.

He’s a natural. [Name] wonders if it’s because Evergreen’s made him use one of those before. 

“See.” [Name] points at Laxus who’s busy extorting Jewels from Juvia. “He survived it. You can, too.”

Gajeel slumps his body on the back of his wooden chair, groaning as he rubs the sweaty sheen off his forehead. “I don’t get why I have to do this.”

She lays her palms flat on the bends of his shoulders, staring at him earnestly. “Team spirit, Gajeel. How are we supposed to show a united front if we can’t even have bonding moments like this? This is a matter of life or death. Our whole survival relies on these two masks. Now choose. Rose ice or green tea?”

Gajeel’s expression is pricelessly blank. “I get the feeling you’re exaggerating.”

[Name] stomps her feet like a petulant toddler. “Please, please, please, pretty please. You can’t be the only one without a face mask. In this team, we’re in it together. No matter what. If we leave you out now, what will that make us as a team? A failure, Gajeel. A failure. You don’t want to be a failure, do you?”

“Fine!” It’s apparent that Gajeel’s had enough when he snatches the green tea face mask from her hold. He rips the packet open with his bare teeth—[Name]’s not ashamed to say that it stirs up something in her stomach—and stomps all the way to the bathroom. 

“Don’t forget to wash your face before you put it on! You don’t want everyone to see your pores when they get a close-up of you tomorrow!” [Name] calls after him, grinning at the sound of him grumbling in reply. The bathroom door slams shut, faucet water running not a moment later, [Name] takes this as another small victory for her very eventful day and returns to her spot on the floor as the bank owner. 

“Nice!” Mirajane squeals happily when Cana’s plastic top hat figurine lands on her property. She waggles her long fingers at the brunette, her sweet laughter filling the room. “Pay up, Alberona! That’s thirty thousand Jewels!” 

Cana scoffs, dumbfounded. “You’re trying to scam me, Mira. Amberglade Avenue does not cost that much, it’s the ugliest of all the properties.” 

Mirajane gasps in horror, hand pressed to her chest as her lips part in shock. “It is not! You take that back right now, or else I’ll raise the rent!”

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