Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

          The committee hall had every chair filled,  when Kendrick and I came in. Everyone else appeared to be in avid conversations, Catherine stood instead of sat and she appeared to be pacing. And before I could pass her. She grabbed my arm and towed me into a den, before anyone noticed. I felt like a small child being towed away a village sugar treat store.

          “Do you need something Catherine?” I said more than a little bit annoyed

          “You spend far to much time with that boy.” she said after closing the door. “What were you doing last night?” she asked as she lite a candle, and brought light to the rooms four solid stone walls. Then her eyes focused in on me. I realized that she actually wanted an answer, the obvious wasn't sufficient.

          “I was praying, Catherine.” I said, again unable to hide my annoyance.

          “You should have informed me.” She said

          “Catherine. You may run the committee and the castle, but you do not run my life.” I said accenting the end. “I should have informed you so the committee didn't wait. But when I leave with permission, thats none of your business.”

          “You are correct my queen,” she said with a gentle bow. “But if I might advise. Be careful, You haven't made any oath to Kendrick or even let your people acknowledge your relationship. It will not go over well, if you bare him a child now.”

          She was going to keep talking, but I cut her off. “That advise won't be necessary Catherine. But I appreciate, the attempt.”

          I left the den and Catherine followed me, being far less self righteous. Once everyone was seated, the committee started.

          Morning passed into afternoon before an agreement could be made. At night fall king Tristan would join the committee again. Though this time the wolves would only have two additional warriors in the room. A compromise Kendrick had barely accepted. I spent the whole morning listening to the committee squabble.

          Tristan demanded that the warrior number be dramatically reduced this time. Two warriors was his request in his note. Kendrick was having a fit.

          “I can’t protect anyone in this room with two warriors.” Kendrick said insistently.

          “Every man and half the women in the committee are warriors” Catherine said.

          “I’ve been doing my research on young King Tristan of Rowhar, I’ve found nothing to make me believe he’s lying. Furthermore, Silveria wasn’t pleased when he was chosen.” Darnell leader of national intelligence said.

          “What if it’s a trap?” Kendrick said proceeding to block anything

          “Hes one man. And if we can find out anything, even if we can't find the King its what we need.” Darnell said emphatically.

          Grudgingly Kendrick had agreed. Kendrick gathered the two best warriors in the castle and arranged for the rest, to be ready at  a words notice.

          Once arrangements were made and night came, we were greeted by King Tristan. I could see him cleared today. He carried himself in confidence. And he immediately focus on me. He walked before my thrown and bowed in greeting.

          I spoke professionally. “Welcome King Tristan of Rowhar.”

          Once standing he responded, “ Thank you for allowing me to speak with you again and for for filling my request on armored.” he said while standing. I noticed that he spoke with an accent. I couldn't place it to a particular place, and couldn't honestly think of anyone who had spoken, that way before.

          “Well king Tristan, we did it just as much for our benefit as yours. So go on telling us your intelligence.” Catherine said in an overtly pushy tone.

          “That will come,” he said and generally ignored Catherine.

          “Do you miss your father queen Avalon?” He asked me.

          “Yes, very much.” I responded honestly.

          He seemed to ponder his words before he spoke, “And how far would you go to recover him?”

          I answered before quite thinking through what I was saying. “I do anything, to have my father back.” As soon as I uttered the words I had three voices go through my head.

          “Avalon. Do not answer that!” Kendrick said

          Followed by, “Avalon!” Catherine literally screamed in my head.

          And finally Darnell gave me his message, “Avalon you just seriously endangered, our national security.”

          I understood their upset to an extent, but it seemed like a almost obvious piece of information to me. I was filled with a hatred of being cheated a child again. Despite everyone discontent,  No one in the  room attempted to take lead of the committees conversation. All eyes were on me and king Tristan.

          “Well I feel more comfortable making this offer than. I know were King Monte of Abony, is being held, I'll take you their and we can free him.” He spoke with his eyes boring into me, I realize now that they're green. Green like fresh grown grass on mountain hills. And with those Eyes boring into mine, he continued to speak, “But queen Avalon, I want you to come not some advisor or leader. I'll give you three suns as you would say. Then me and my men leave leave with or without you and your warriors.”

          It took me a second to realize what he was saying. Go with him to find my father? That would not be happening. I had to sneak to out of the castle now. But to leave Abony, that would be strictly forbidden

          As I expected, Tristan was escorted back out the hall and out the castle gates. In the process about hundred warriors entered the room and surrounded me, because I was obviously in danger.

           Kendrick and Darnell had disappeared to do work with some their spies and warriors.  The committee  adjourned until after supper. And because I had nothing better to do and the majority of the castle appeared to be frustrated with me, and I had grown tired of watching the candle wax melt.

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