Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

          Kendrick and I left the castle at dusk. Though technically we went bellow it. Theirs a large staircase from the library. It spirals down for what looks like forever from the top. The large stone s stairs spiral down from the castle. After walking down stairs until your legs feel like they might fall off, you end up in Heathra.

          This massive cave system, we believe stretches across the whole island and all four nations. Most towns in Abony and Gracian have openings nearby. Wolves in both nations go there to get closer to our gods.

          Kendrick and I walked on a branch to a bigger cave opening. The cave connectors are rather mediocre compared to the large caves. The northern main is one  prettiest. Or so I'm told, I've never seen any of the others.

            the south eastern supposed to be amazing. Thats what the wars been about; the foxes want the strip of land that the south eastern cave occupies. But our healers live their, along with the graves of many of our dead.

          Kendrick interrupted my thoughts. “Do you want to run?” he asked.

          “Yes,” I said. Both of us stopped undressed and folded our clothes. Kendrick and I didn't even look at each other as we prepared to shift. I handed him my clothes and he wrapped them with his into his shirt, and then attached them to his leg with practice ease.

          I thought of my father again. How he'd been taken from me, with out even ability to say goodbye.  I landed on four paws and found Kendrick waiting beside me. I didn't know what caused his switch, wolves generally kept that secret.

          Kendrick took off at a lope and I kept up with him easily. We ran and weaved around cave passages. We knew our way, but with out experience it would be easy to get lost in the cave. We ran until all my muscles ached.

          I lead us thorough the last passage way, and we were there. Heathra in all it beauty. The cave have a neon luminescent glow. In the center a warm water flowed slowly, scrubs and trees grew sporadically, and the whole cave was carpeted in lush grass.

          I didn't walk far into the cave before I lay down and collapsed into the thick grass. I shifted into my skin and fell asleep.


Sleeping the caves is a different experience. Everyone always complain about strange their dreams are down their.

          Five hundred years ago, my very great grandfather, crawled into the cave after being shot in battle. I don't think anyone remember why they were fighting back then.  my grandfather, fell asleep, and expected to die. But instead he awoke, healed and remembering a dream about a goddess named Heathra and her magical caves.


I awoke to pleasant smells. While I'd been sleeping Kendrick had gathered us dinner. He had a pile of various fruits and appeared to be making tea with the spring water. He was bare chested and only wearing a pair of informal trousers. I then realized that I was wearing his shirt and my clothes remained in a pile.

           I left them there and buttoned op Kendrick's shirt and sat down next to his gathered food. He came back with cups of tea in cups carves out of light colored wood.

          “Where'd you find these?” I asked and motioned towards the cups.

          “They keep a few basic supplies down here, Avalon.” He said while handing me a soft skinned fruit. We both took bites, and tasted its sweet nectar.

          “Thank you,” I said after eating the fruit until I hit the pit seed. 

          He smiled confidently and seemed to take in his surroundings and me. “You know your clothes are right there?” he said than handed me a unusually large grape.

          “This was easier.” I said and then popped the purple fruit into my mouth.

          Kendrick rolled his eyes at my comment. “You just wanted me to stay shirtless.”

          I laughed audibly and was unable to not look glance at his muscular and sunned chest.

          “Its not a down side. Its nice to be free of the castle.” said changing the topic.

          “That it is. It'll better when the king of Rowhar is gone. After tomorrow I imagine the committee will decide to force him to leave.”

          “But what if he's telling the truth?” I asked, I seriously didn't understand why Kendrick was disregarding the information so carelessly.

          “Did you listen to word he was saying? It had to be lies.”

          “Do you have any faith in people?” I nearly spat irritated in straight vision thinking.

          “We shouldn't fight here.” Kendrick said as if I was the only one arguing. “Have you prayed yet,” he asked in a completely different tone.

          “No, have you?”

          “No.” And with that we both quieted and turned away from each other. Kendrick sat straighter when he prayed. I'd watched him, when we were pups.

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