Chapter 13

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Sonakshi's POV:
The ray of sunlight was disturbing my sleep,but I was too lazy to get up from this soft bed.I put my duvet over my head and again went to sleep.As today is Sunday so no work,no worries.

After a while,I opened my eyes only to see that I was sleeping in a new room.And then I became aware of the fact that I am actually married now.I got up and sat for a while,I looked up at the wall were their was a designer clock, it was so beautiful and... Oh no... 10:00 am.. why did I sleep so much.

I got up from the bed and went in the bathroom and took a long shower.I wore a simple churidar and went out to eat something.When I reached the living room I saw Mr.Verma was working on his laptop while sitting on the sofa.I ignored him and went to the kitchen,I saw a lady was preparing something.Oh.. She must be the cook.

I went near her and said "Good Morning,Aunty"

She was startled by my sudden voice but she composed herself and said "Good morning ma'am,Sir told me about your presence.... It's nearly afternoon now"

I smiled and said "Firstly don't call me ma'am.. Call me Sonakshi and yeah it's nearly afternoon but I was enjoying my sleep ...And what is your name"

She nodded her head and Said "It's completely fine ma'am... Hrh.. I mean Sonakshi and my name is Anita"

I asked her"Did you made something to eat... I am hungry"

"Hmm... Actually I didn't know what you will prefer so I didn't made... but you tell me what you want I will make quickly" She said.

"Aunty make poha for me" I told her.

She started preparing it,meanwhile I thought to have a tour of this apartment it was quite large.

I excused myself from her and went out.Mr.Verma wasn't there in the living room... must be busy.This apartment was freaking 5bhk one.... must be costly.One room had a mini theater.. Interesting.Another one was filled with awards,thropies and stuff.He must be really hardworking to have received a room full of awards.Next room was a gym room.One was occupied by me and other by him.And there was a balcony too.

I was going towards the living room again when I saw a huge vase... It was beautiful.It was made of glass with an Chinese art work design.There were small characters.. they were so cute.I suddenly had the urge to pick it up, so I did.It was quite heavy.. I started analyzing it.Hmm.. It must be really expensive.I was busy in admiring it's beauty.

I was busy in admiring it's beauty

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"What are you doing? "

A sudden voice startled me and the vase fall down and broke into pieces... Oh no..

"What the hell" I looked back and saw Mr.Verma,he was looking furious.He came towards me while eyeing the shattered pieces on the floor.I was silent all the while.

"What did you do?You know it was expensive.... It was a gift from one of my mentor whom I admire a lot" he shouted at me.

"I ... I am sorry... It was unintentional,I got startled by... the sudden voice.... Don't worry I will pay for it" I started blabbering.

He started laughing and said "ha.. ha.. ha..You will pay for it, really... You know what, let it be.. " he turned around to go but I stopped him.

"Yeah tell me,I will surely try to pay... How much it cost?"

I mean I have some savings somewhat around 50,000,then next months salary will come too... and if not then I will ask some money from Baba.I started the calculations in mind.

He turned around,smriked at me and said "50"... Oh.. 50,000 I can afford that.I relaxed and smiled

"50 lakhs" he said and I frozed.50 lakhs! as in lakhs.It was just a vase.... then.. how?

He smirked again and said"Let it be.. You can't afford "

I annoyingly replied "What do you mean I can't afford it... I can... And I will surely return your money one day" I went towards the kitchen without waiting for his reply.But now I am really stressed how will I pay this much money.I barely would be able to get 2 lakhs, how will I? I am so stupid, seriously.Don't worry.. I will find my ways.

I sighed and ate my poha.Later I helped,Anita Aunty to prepare for lunch.
Mr.Verma eats only boiled vegetables and stuff.. Hrh... I don't like it at all.So I made Biryani with the help of Aunty.

We were sitting on the dinning table,Mr.Verma at one end and me on the other.Aunty was serving him his boiled stuff and then asked "Sir,will you have Biryani"

Come on Sona... This is the time to take revenge.

He was going to say something but I interrupted "Aunty...Mr.Verma doesn't like this type of unhealthy and oily stuff... I mean he will get fat after eating such things.... You serve me Biryani"

Yeah...That's the win.His face was looking annoyed and I was feeling satisfied.

Aunty served me and I ate the first bite.It was tasty.I looked up at Aunty and said "Aunty it is marvelous"

Mr.Verma was glaring at me.Then we both ate in silence.

After sometime he broke the silence and said"Tushar Uncle has invited You and me at his company's success party"

I nooded my head and said "So?"

"So what? You need to come with me... I tried to convince Tushar uncle that you can't visit but he was adamant on his decision... So you need to come with me" he explained.

"Ok.. but you told me that no one should know about our relation... but there might me many people around at the party... What will I introduced myself as?" I asked stating the fact.

"For that you don't need to care... My P.A. Raj will accompany you, and if someone asked you then say that you came with him only... Ok" He instructed.

"Yeah, fine"I replied... Another drama on the line.Let it be I will leave the party early after meeting Tushar uncle and Sid.

Rest of the day was boring as hell.Anita Aunty left after making the Dinner.She is such a kind lady,we were continuously chatting and gossiping with each other.Now I am really bored.Mr.Verma was sticked to his laptop like a glue.I mean today is Sunday man,you should enjoy it.. whatever he does isn't my concern.

So I decided to watch a movie.During the movie I remembered that I need to go to the party tomorrow.Hmm.. What should I wear.I had never attended such parties.

After a lot of thinking, I decided to wear a saree.. Yeah It would be best.I took my saree and ironed it.And also choosed some matching earrings and bangles.

Then I went to the kitchen.And had my dinner in my room itself.After a while,I dozed off.
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