Chapter 25

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Pranit's Pov:

It was Sunday evening ,Sonakshi and I decided to watch a movie together.I thought it was a great idea and we decided to execute this plan.

We sat close to each other and Sonakshi was watching the movie enthusiastically.I wasn't able to concentrate on the movie because of certain someone sitting beside me looking gorgeous as always.

I started kissing on her soft cheeks and neck.She was highly affected by my doings but decided to ignore it.I smiled at her expressions while watching the movie.She is cute!

It was a peaceful event until the door bell rang.I decided to look at it as Sonakshi was enjoying the movie.

When I opened the door I saw Samaira standing in front of me with a smirk plastered on her face.My face turned red in anger.

Before I could tell her to leave she entered in ,walking straight in the leaving room.

"Ms.Bajaj don't you have any manners left.How could you enter here without my permission.I am calling the security if you don't leave right away" I told her furiously.

"Relax Pranit, relax.I am here to talk" She said while smirking.

"About what?" I uttered angrily.

"About your wife" she replied.

"I don't want to listen any of your nuisance, and a word against my wife and you are finished....." I replied her back.

"You need to hear this out" she urged

"I told you Ms.Bajaj ,please leave"I was controlling to not to lose my mind and do something wrong.

"No I won't,I am here to tell you the truth" she says in a loud voice.

"I said I won't listen to you,I don't want to.... Now please leave" I furiously replied her.

Before I can speak anything further Sonakshi's voice stopped me"Pranit,What happened?Why are you screaming?

"My My... Look who is here! The ultimate lier of the year" She said while smirking at Sonakshi.

"Excuse me"Sonakshi replied looking taken back by her words.

"Samaira that's enough,I won't listen a word against my wife... Just leave before I throw you out" I said while gritting my teeth.

"O... Pranit,after the truth is out... You your self will throw your wife out of this house" She said in an evil tone making me more furious..

She turned towards Sonakshi and said"And don't you have any shame,You should have already told him about you.He has the right to know."

"What the hell Samaira,leave now" I told her in a loud voice.

"Ofcourse I will leave,but listen to me once" She asked me.

Let her just speak and leave.I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and replied "Fine, Speak up... Fast,If it is useless I won't spare you"

She said while looking at Sonakshi"Ofcourse....... Pranit........Did your wife told you that she is a barren?"

What the hell is she speaking!

"Watch your words Samaira, what are you even saying" I asked her in a bold voice.

"Oh... You can confirm the truth from your wife" She said while laughing evilly.

My head snapped towards Sonakshi who looked at me at the same time.Tears were falling from her eyes and she looked hurt.

I hurridely moved towards her and wiped her tears and said in a concerning tone"Shh... It's ok, You don't need to take any of her words seriously.She is just faking things up,don't worry.I trust you.You won't lie to me"

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