Chapter 28

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Sonakshi's POV :

It's almost 2 O'clock in the night, and still sleep is far away from my eyes.Even after trying hard,I am not able to sleep.All that happened today was making me restless.

After leaving the apartment, I decided to come back to my family. My actual home. I wanted to just relax my mind, and decide what I should do further.

When I came here, everyone was shocked by my sudden presence.I couldn't control myself and cried in front of them.After a lot of consoling,I stopped. Eventually, I told them all the truth,Everything.....

Baba was disappointed by Pranit's behavior but told me that might be he needed some time to accept the truth.And suggested to talk to him, calmly.I acknowledged his idea but still a part of me was hurt.Hurt by his sudden disappearance.I wanted to tell him everything but all in vain.

Anshu and Anshi tried to make me smile but all their efforts were futile.I was too engrossed in my thoughts to give them attention.After sometime they left me alone as their tricks were not helping much.

As soon as they left my thought process begin again.

Will he accept me?
Or is this the end of our relationship?
What if he asks for divorce?

Tears begin to fall from my eyes by just the thought of leaving him.Don't know when he became an important part of my life.Everything was on right track, but I guess my happiness didn't last long.

When Rajnath Uncle told me that Pranit was the guy whom I saved in that accident, I was shocked would be an understatement.But somewhere I was happy that I was able to save his life.His life was already a mess and I didn't want to add more to it.I told Uncle that I will talk to him when I feel comfortable, but couldn't make the move.Whenever, I decided to finally speak to him.... I saw how happy was he.I didn't had the courage to make him sad by telling him everything.

But I guess, I should have told him.Then he wouldn't have felt betrayed.

Sighing,I decided to get up from my bed as I couldn't sleep at all.I made my way towards the small balcony in my room.

Looking up towards the sky full of stars,I eventually relaxed.It was peaceful to watch it.

Don't know when a tear slipped from the corner of my eyes spoiling my efforts to stay calm.

I was missing him... Freaking much.

Is he missing me too?
Did he return back to home?
Did he eat anything?

Many questions formed in my head regarding him and more tears left my eyes.This is bad.

My crying session was disturbed by a sudden voice coming from the garden area.Startled,I looked towards it source and was shocked to see the scenario in front of me.

What the hell!


Pranit's Pov:

As soon as,Anshu told me that Sonakshi was with them, I relaxed a bit.Atlast she is safe.

Rushing towards my car,I quickly settled in. Reversing my car, I made way towards her parents place.All throughout the ride, my thoughts were filled by Sonakshi.

She is such an gem.Even without knowing who I was she didn't hesitate to sacrifice her life.She was going through hell because of my mistake.I can't forgive myself. But I want her in my life.

I want to confess my love towards her and then I will beg her to come with me.I will tell her that she is special to me.Very Special.

After around an hour or so, I finally reached my destination.Moving towards the front door my heart began to race.Calming myself I dialed Anshik's number. He picked it after few rings

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