Chapter 19

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"What the fuck is happening.." you said as you go up from your bed

The building is breaking down,

"Shit.." you ran out trying to escape


"Guys! This is it, the apocalypse is still on the world ends today!"

"i thought you said it was over!"

"i was wrong okay? This news paper i found in the future the day i got stuck, the headline didn't change"

"No that doesn't mean anything" Diego muttered

"the time could've been altered since that news paper came out today"

"That's why you should listen to me, when i found it i assumed this place came along with everything else! But here we are the moon is still shining and the earth is still in one piece but not the academy!" five blurted out

Klaus snatched the newspaper from five confused

"i don't understand" he said

"Then listen to me, you idiot!"

"Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse" you said

"I thought that harold jenkins was the cause of it but he was the fuse, Vanya is the bomb" you said

"Vanys causes the apocalypse" five continued

"We gotta find her" Luster said

"We gotta go now!" Diego slightly yelled

"Group up again in the super star, go!" you yelled


"Where is five?"

"you're late, he ditched(?) us"


Screaming was heard, you all looked back to see people trying to shoot you

"Holly fuck-"

"Get down!" luther yelled

"And ithought we were safe!"

"Maybe they came for kenny's bday too" kaluse said

"I don't think they came for whoever that is, i think they came for us" you said getting up using your powers to stop the bullets, while diego was throwing knives

Luther was throwing the bolling balls,

Klause then took the cake and threw it on one of the men

"Damn, i wanted to eat that" you said

"too late" klaus yelled

"They're blocking the exit, what do we do now!"

"The lanes! Let's go!"

All of the siblings ran, except you, you were still trying to stop the bullets untill the others are safe

Luther didn't think the same as you as he carried you running to the lanse


"Five, i've been waiting for you" the handler said

"you must really like donuts" five muttered

"it's been a while" the handler said

"Three days"

"For you, but for me it's been a lot longer since i've seen those adorable little shorts"

𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 -𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now