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Everything is perfect.

Everything is fucking perfect.

My eyes are wide open, gazing at the blue skies above. It is so high above, out of reach, yet it's right here touching my fragile skin. I am simply floating there, neither alive nor dead.

The sky is everything to me. The one promise that's been with me since I was born. They have watched over several different lives, billions of years before I have even existed. And even after I've long gone, they will continue to remain. They're one of the only things I'm sure that'll stay in this short life of mine. So, I stare up at the nothing that is everything to me.

I am calm. I am okay. Everything is perfect.

Everything is perfect.

And then I fall.

My neck is now strained, and I am unable to look above without pain. I squint, the wind is against my face. Tears from the pressure build-up in my eyes, and I immediately close them after attempting to see.

The blue skies are gone. Everything is gone. Every time I feel secure, something has to demolish every last bit of that emotion.

My chest is tightening, my breathing grows rapidly. I force my eyes closed, bracing myself for whatever I'm about to slam into.

Gravity is my biggest enemy, the thing I hate the most. While the sky has always remained with me, so did gravity, weighing me down.

One day I'm going to learn how to fly.

With a gasp, I sprung up from my bed, harassed into consciousness. I was awake, tangled in my bedsheets, sweat, and tears engrossing my skin.

I attempted to steady my breathing, running my hands through my messy hair.

What the fuck?

Images of the terrifying dream seemed to have stained my mind. Falling, powerless, alone.

I looked over to the person who lay beside me in worry. Tomorrow was a big day, the last thing I needed was to wake them.

Luckily, to my reassurance, Pinkie remained asleep. I shakily smiled for a second, gazing at how peaceful she looked. She was on her side, facing away from me. Her breathing was at a steady pace, half her body covered by the soft blankets from this bed. Tranquillity filled my senses just watching how calm she looked. It was something you don't get from her often.

I took a deep breath, then slowly stood up from the bed, fearing that I would make another noise. It was until the bathroom door closed that I released a loud sigh.

I looked into the mirror, staring at my reflection. My shoulder-length hair was stuck in tangles, my eyebags were as dark as bruises.  Every time I were to blink the images of the nightmare would come back.

My life was undeniably perfect. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me every night.

I reached my hand to turn the faucet, adjusting it to the coolest setting it could use. I splashed the cold water onto my face. Again. Again.

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