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As I stared out at the crowd, I felt my heart beat at an alarming rate, I watched my classmates dance under the purple light. I was sitting at a decorated table, and in front of me was a large assortment of appetizers I had taken from the buffet.

Anxiously playing with the end of my tie, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do. This year had been filled with nothing but studying and sports. I was tired, prom was the last place I wanted to be.

I didn't get the rush. Everyone would talk about this school event all year, excitedly stating what they were going to do. This whole thing was built up to be so grand and special. And because of this, no one knew how to react at the moment. Such an important day, you would spend it all worrying that you're wasting it.

Plus, school dances were not my thing. I only came here for one person.

My gaze met my girlfriend who was jumping up and down, dancing to the song that blared from the speakers. The purple lights shined on her red sleeveless dress making it look as if she was glowing.

Despite the past arguments that took place between us, there was no doubt that Pinkie and I were going to prom together. We had somehow been one of the longest couples to last at Canterlot High.

But also because of the previous conversations, I had no confidence to go onto the dance floor. She looked so flawless, so happy - no way I could follow after that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped, turning around to see Applejack. She raised an eyebrow, she didn't have to say anything as her facial expression was already speaking for her.

"Wow, the 'Rainbow Dash', sitting here all alone during a school dance," it spoke.

My face turned red, and I felt embarrassed. The awful thought of others seeing me so sad made me feel as if someone dropped a brick on me, weird feelings of guilt spiraling within. To push these emotions away, I scoffed. "No, I'm just saving up my energy. Ready to tear those fuckers off the dance floor once I get up."

She chuckled, pulling a chair next to me. She wore a similar outfit to mine, only hers had her signature cowboy hat. "I get you, Rarity out there talkin' to folk I've never even met. Makin' me feel out of place."

I averted my gaze to Pinkie. She was now laughing, talking to Twilight. While there were so many different teenagers dancing, the only one I seemed to only notice was a pink curly-haired one.

"You should apologize to her," Applejack quietly suggested.

I looked back at the cowgirl, shooting her a glare. "What?"

"Apologize. Gonna be honest here, you've been an ass to Pinkie lately. She deserves better."

"Wow. Blunt."

"Kinda my thing," she replied, waiting for me to fully react to what she said.

I heaved a sigh. "Shit AJ, you know how much I hate apologizing though." The whole feeling of being vulnerable haunted me. It was like giving someone the gun and making them point it toward my heart. And I couldn't do anything but wait and see if they were gonna pull the trigger.

"Sugarcube, that's exactly why you should do it. She depends on you... and you sorta broke her last conversation."

I groaned. "Stop!-" I paused attempting to make my tone softer, "Stop overanalyzing everything. It isn't even your relationship."

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