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Dream had never been the type to actually talk to his prey.

But this time, it was different. His prey was so alluring he just had to start up a conversation with him. 

The boy he had picked tonight was brunette, like many other boys and girls he'd picked upon many other nights. However, there was something about this boy which was different, Dream just couldn't put his finger on it.

He had fluffy brown hair that was so dark it could be misplaced for black. One of his eyes was a honey brown while the other was a light blue shade. He wore a navy blue suit with a tie the color of his blue eye. And, above his hairline, white-rimmed glasses were sat which stood out amongst his darkened hair.

As Dream approached the boy, the brunette looked up from his conversation with a pretty blonde woman and made almost direct eye contact with Dream.

This brunette was extremely pretty and Dream could almost taste how good his blood must be. However, Dream wasn't going to fall for this boy-no, that would be absurd- he only needed to kill him.

All Dream needed to do with this brunette was find a way to kiss him and them inconspicuously drain all the blood from his body. That was all. Easy.

Before Dream could even speak, the boy uttered a simple, "Who are you?" His voice was laced with a British accent and if anything it made the boy seem all the more attractive to Dream.

"Dream," he replied sweetly, his lips twisting into a smile. "Nice to meet you."

The brunette's lips twisted into a smile. "Why are you wearing that mask?"

Dream scoffed at the question, but secretly, he was glad the brunette had asked. Now, he had the boy right where he wanted him... "No reason. Now, why don't you tell me your name?"

"George," he answered cooly. "Why don't you take off the mask so I can see that pretty face of yours?"

Dream only chuckled. "Sadly, you won't be able to see my incredibly handsome and stunning face right now, but I'll have to show you sometime soon."

George pursed his lips in an effort to keep from smiling. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"I'd like that." Dream was incredibly proud of his work so far. With any luck, he would be tasting some of the sweetest blood he'd ever have later tonight. 

The two boys walked towards the bar with George leading the way and Dream following slightly behind. At the bar, George flirtatiously asked the bartender for two drinks. It was of no surprise to Dream, seeing as the smaller brunette was outrageously gorgeous.

Upon receiving the drinks, George held one out to Dream. The blonde reached his hand out, taking the drink and slyly leaving his hand resting on top of George's for a second too long. He felt a shiver run through the brunette's body as he pulled away.

The pair ended up sitting at a high-top table a little bit away from the bar top. It was silent between the two of them, for a moment, as they each took a long sip of their drink. Dream could smell the waves of anxiety coming off of George. He decided it was time to start phase two of his plan.

"So, George, you sound very British. Why are you here in Florida?" 

George smiled as he set his drink down onto the table. "Well, my friend lives here and I thought it would be nice to visit him. But, as it turns out, I like it here a lot so I decided to stay. My family ended up coming with me." He paused before asking, "Why are you here, Dream?"

"I was born here and I guess I just never left," Dream lied. He'd been to many places around the world in his many years of life. He wanted to keep the conversation's focus on George though, so he asked, "Any love interests?"

George almost choked on his drink. "Not currently, no."

Dream nodded. He knew George wasn't straight, clearly. But he didn't know what George was specifically. What Dream found out over his countless years of experience was not to limit his type to a certain gender. There were so many people out there, so why not go for all of them?

With one final sip of his drink, Dream took a deep breath and stood up. "Want to go somewhere more private?"

George looked as if he was in thought, so Dream added: "You might get to see my face."

The brunette's face lit up before he stood up as well. Dream held out his hand and George took it almost immediately (this was quite pathetic to the blonde; humans trusted people way too easily and George was no different). 

The blonde lead them through the crowds of the dance club and down cramped staircases and dingy hallways until he reached his signature room. He'd come here countless times before, seeing as the owner of the club was one of his closest friends. 

When the door was closed behind the two boys, Dream immediately pinned George against it. His hands pushed against the brunette's chest as he started unbuttoning a newly-wrinkled navy suit. George's hands moved to the back of Dream's head, where the clip of his mask was located. He unclipped it and threw it off to some unknown location in the room.

Dream then looked down at George for the first time without a mask covering his eyes. The brunette was somehow even prettier. He looked down to see George's lips were parted as he stared at all of the blonde's facial features. Dream was quick to connect their lips.

His lips moved in sync with George, who to no surprise of Dream was kissing back. He just had to keep this up for a bit longer and he would be tasting sugary-sweet blood.

When George's tux was unbuttoned, he pulled George off the door and pulled off the suit. Immediately after, his hands reached for George's ass. The brunette put his arms around Dream's neck and began tugging on the blonde's hair as he pushed his tongue in. It was quite heavenly; Dream wouldn't be lying if he said George was the best kisser he ever had.

George moved his hands to Dreams back and pulled him even more impossibly closer. Dream was enjoying this too much, he realized, so he decided it was time to spice things up.

He bit on George's bottom lip, causing a whimper to emit from the older male, and moved his lips to George's jawline. Then, onto his neck, where he kissed and sucked on the easily breakable skin. George had tilted his head back a bit, allowing Dream more space to kiss. 

As Dream reached the point where he smelled George's blood flowing the most, he kissed the skin and then paused. His mouth was lifted away from George's body as he stuck his fangs out. He was so ready to taste this pretty boy's blood. However, just as he was about to sink his teeth in, a noise rang out from somewhere in the room. 

In a moment, George broke away from Dream and rushed over to where his suit was located on the floor. He rummaged around for a bit before pulling out the object that was making the blaring noise: a phone. 

It was placed up to the brunette's ear as he muttered a silent, "Mom?"

Dream heard a voice coming from the other side of the phone but he decided not to focus on it since it was really none of his business. Instead, he pulled his fangs back in, hoping the brunette was too distracted to notice anything.

A minute later, George sighed. "Okay, I'll be there soon. Don't worry."

The brunette hung up the phone and placed it back inside of the pocket of his jacket before putting the jacket back on and beginning to button it up. Dream smelled worry coming off of the brunette's body.

George looked down as he spoke. "Sorry, uh, my mom just called me. I'm sure you heard. And um, listen: I wouldn't have answered if it was anyone else- I actually had my phone on silent- but this is important and I have to go."

Dream walked over to George and finished buttoning up his shirt for him, George honestly looked like he was on the verge of tears. Dream absolutely hated that he felt sympathetic for the brunette when moments before he was on the verge of killing him. "Its okay, George, really. Go do whatever you have to do. We can finish this another time." 

He then pulled out George's phone and added his own number into it. He would be tasting George's blood at some other point, he'd make sure of it; George smelled too sweet for his own good.

George looked at the contact Dream had added. It read 'Dream:)'. He gave a small smile before leaving the room and walking out on the blonde. 

God, Dream was so fucked.

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