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It's safe to say that Dream was pretty pissed off.

He was angry at Alyssa for setting them up. He was angry at himself for falling for that stupid trap. And he was angry at the hunters for taking George.

Wilbur had said it himself that they knew George wasn't a vampire, like Dream. So, why on Earth would they take George with them and leave Dream behind? It made no sense.

He stalked back to his apartment, trying to think of a plan that would save both his and George's asses.

Dream had been getting far too close with George the past two weeks that his body was aching for some of the brunette's sweet, sweet ichor. And it physically repulsed him that George wasn't close enough where he could just reach over and bite.

The brunette was gone, and Dream could already feel himself going crazy.

Another reason he had to save the dumb brunette was because he was starting to like hanging out with the guy. He was funny, and sweet, and Dream hadn't seen much of those two attitudes together for most of his life. He knew George was good for him, and he wanted (as much as it pained him to admit he was being a softie) that feeling back.

Dream knew Fundy was the one that told the hunters- he was really the only reasonable option since he was clearly seen talking with Wilbur at the club.

If Dream could find the fucker, then maybe, he had a chance at finding George.

Honestly, the brunette couldn't be far. The hunters would have stayed in town. And, Dream knew that even though Wilbur and the other hunters had a prejudice against him, and all vampires for that matter, there was no reason why they would hurt George. Of anything, they were using the brunette to lure Dream into a trap.

And that trap was definitely working.

He pulled out his phone and texted the person he'd been avoiding for over fifteen years.

meet me at las nevadas. now.

The message was left on read, but Dream knew that meant the other was on his way.

He grabbed his mask and headed out of his apartment with a sigh.

When Dream got to the club, he was met with the smile he loathed to see, waiting for him outside the door.

"Did you finally come to your senses and realize who's right for you?" Fundy asked, voice low in amusement.

Dream shook his head and pushed back thoughts of strangling the man in front of him. "Oh fuck off. You know I'm here to ask about George."

"George?" the ginger-haired man feigned innocence. "Who's that?"

Dream gritted his teeth. "The human that you were jealous of, so you sent the hunters after him."

"Oh," Fundy grinned. "Him."

"So?" Dream pushed. "Where are they keeping him? I know that you know."

Fundy scoffed. "Why would I care what they're doing with him? He's just some human anyway." He paused, turning to look at the line wrapping around the club behind them, and mumbled, "What, Dream? Are you in love with him or something?"

The blonde fell silent at that. He didn't love George, obviously, what they had was far away from that. But he missed the brunette and he was going absolutely crazy without George's blood (and it had hardly been a few hours without him).

"No," Dream laughed, playing it off. "I just need him back. Blood tastes so good, and all. You'd understand, I'm sure."

His implied notion of Alyssa made Fundy's mouth gape open before he signed. "All I know, is that Wil's place is right behind the mayor's house. If they were keeping George anywhere, it would be there."

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