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After George had left, Dream had to resort to his old methods of getting food. 

He picked up his mask and walked back through dim hallways and dark corridors until he reached the dance floor again. There, he found a pretty brunette woman who, weirdly enough, looked a lot like George. 

He ended up teasing her and luring her into the room he and George were in previously and, well, killed her. Her blood tasted good but it was nothing compared to what George's blood would have tasted like. 

He finished cleaning up and headed towards the offices at the backmost part of the club. The silence he heard while nearing the office was incredibly loud compared to the booming voices coming from the dance floor. 

He knocked on the club owner's metal door. Shuffling could be heard from inside the room before the large door was opened. His friend Sapnap stood in the entrance- his hair was ruffled, his shirt buttons undone, and his lips were red with blood.

"Oh, it's you," he stated in a monotone voice. "I was busy, what do you need?"

Dream pushed Sapnap aside and stepped into the room to be met with Karl sitting very conspicuously against the couch. His hair was messy and his lips were swollen, bite marks were placed on his neck with lines of blood dripping out of them. Dream laughed at the sight.

"Still using your human as a blood bag I see," Dream muttered as he sat down on a chair facing away from the couch. 

"Don't talk about him like that, you know I like him," Sapnap replied as he sat down next to Karl, placing an arm around the brunette's back. 

"Yeah, okay," Dream scoffed.

Sapnap sent a death stare his way before continuing: "Why did you come here and interrupt us, again?" 

Dream shifted anxiously in his chair. "So," he started, "I met a boy today, right? And just as I was about to - ya know- he got a phone call and left."

"Okay? Why does this affect me?" Sapnap questioned with a sigh.

"Because his blood smelled absolutely delicious, dude. I need to see him again, and since your the club owner I know you have a way of getting him back here."

"Uh, yeah okay I can do that. What would I get in return?" 

"You'd get to see your best friend happy and healthy, isn't that enough?"

Sapnap put his hand to his head with a sigh. "I'll do it right now if you leave me alone with Karl the second afterward."


"Okay, so what's his name?" Sapnap asked as he stood up and walked over towards his computer. 


Sapnap groaned. "Last name?"

"I don't know." Dream shook his head.

"There are about a million people named George who have come to my club, Dream, you have to be more specific."

"Um, well he was British and brunette?"

A voice rang out from the opposite side of the couch. Karl. "Oh, you are not killing that George."

Dream turned to look at the brunette, confusion clear across his face. "Why? Do you know him?"

Karl scoffed. "Yes, I know him. He's my best friend and he literally lives with me so you are not going to do anything that could hurt him."

Realization hit Dream in the face. Karl was the friend George had moved to Florida for. He probably had absolutely no idea about the deal his best friend had struck with a vampire.

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