You're Only Mine, Little One

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Eddie finished typing out the last sentence of his article and hit send. He sighed and stretched a little.
"Ah, man, so glad to have this over and done with," he said.
Me too, a deep, baritone voice replied inside of his head.
"Ah, you just wanted food," Eddie said with a smirk as he stood to his feet.
And that is what we are going to get. Food.
"Is that all you think about?"
No. I can think of other things.
"Oh? Such as?"
Not excepting that, Eddie almost stopped walking. His face flushed pink and he tried to remain as normal looking as possible as he passed by the other workers' stations. Shoving his hands father into his jeans pockets, he tried to distract himself from what his partner had so bluntly stated.
"I'm flattered, really," he muttered, keeping his head ducked as he went.
I like the way you reacted to it, Eddie. 
Just hearing his name slip off the symbiote's tongue made Eddie shiver. It was said with a certain possessive tone that carried more intend than it would have. Eddie cleared his throat and tried not to get flustered.
"So what's for dinner tonight? Chinese? Steak? Your pick," he said and his voice sounded far more strained than it needed to be.
Before Venom could reply, however, Eddie suddenly collided head on with another male. He could feel the hot coffee spill over his brown hoodie and Venom graciously healed him of any burns.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Eddie!" the man apologized hurriedly as Eddie helped him gather up his spilled (and now empty) cup of coffee. "I didn't see you there!"
It was Derick. Eddie had known Derick for a while now, almost five years. They had gone through a lot together while at this job, but there was something about Derick that just Eddie couldn't tell whether the man was attracted to females or to males seeing as he flirted with both.
Guess he's bi, then, Eddie thought. Venom only grunted.
"No, no, it's okay, Derick," he said aloud now, with a genuine smile. "I'll buy you a new one."
"No, it's fine, Brock, really," Derick said.
"No, I insist. I made you spill it. Now come on."
"Wow. Thanks, man."
"No problem."
As they headed down the hall, Venom grumbled and curled up tight inside Eddie's chest.
Wasting money on this dick? Eddie, we could be using that money to buy ourselves Chinese!
Shut up, I'm just being nice.
They made it halfway to their destination before Derick stopped Eddie.
"What's up?" Eddie wondered, turning back.
Derick looked at him curiously before replying.
"Okay, so you know...we're friends, right?" he asked.
"I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a while now, it's just that I haven't really been able to actually talk with you," Derick went on. "But well, we're together right now, and I thought now would be a good time."
This guy makes my ears hurt.
You don't have any ears now shut up.
"Eddie, I like you and I don't want this to ruin anything," Derick said quieter now. "I think I'm staring to have feelings for you."
Eddie paused.
"Feelings? As in romantically?" he wondered, hands still in his pockets.
Derick nodded and smiled.
"Oh. Well, that's a lot to process," Eddie said, blinking once. "I mean, I—" He stopped when Derick came up closer.
"I know you do," Derick whispered, dazing down at the other man.
Eddie felt something around his wrist. Venom tensed and growled low.
It was Derick's hand.
Large and strong.
He pulled Eddie's hand out of his pocket and smiled. Eddie looked back at his friend and tilted his head to the side a little.
"May I?" Derick asked.
Eddie was confused. What was Derick going to do?
"Uh, sure, I guess."
Derick smiled as Venom seethed.
"Well, that was easier than I thought," he mused as he pushed Eddie back into the wall. Eddie! You're letting him touch you! Venom snarled.
Shut up, V.
Eddie could feel Derick kissing him, slowly and gently. He moved his head so that his neck was exposed and Derick smiled, knowing what he was asking.
No! No one gets away with what I'm supposed to do with my friend!
Before Eddie could stop him, Venom shot out a thick tentacle and slammed Derick into the wall, causing the man to crumple to the ground.
"Oh, god, Venom, did you kill him?!" Eddie whispered frantically but angrily as he stumbled over to his friend. Venom's voice was rough and wicked, scaring the hell out of Eddie.
He is fine. I am not. Come here, Eddie. I wish to have a little talk with you.
Eddie was suddenly whirled around and his legs moved at an incredibly high speed. He speed-walked through the hall and shoved open a door that led down towards the basement of the building.
"Venom, what are you—"
Do you like it when I get mad, Eddie? Do you? Do you like feeling like a scared, little boy again? Scared of the monsters under your bed at night? Well, you've just unleashed this monster, Eddie. And this monster won't be merciful.
Eddie was breathing in short, hollow breaths and beads of sweat started forming on his forehead. He knew Venom wouldn't hurt him, but there was something dangerous about the way they spoke to him now that just made his insides quiver in fear.
"V, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay?" he whimpered.
Sorry won't cut it this time, Eddie. You're going to have to learn the hard way. Bad little boys need to get punished. Especially bad little boys who heard and disobeyed.
Venom forced Eddie into the bathroom. It happened to be a one-stalled bathroom so it was convenient for Venom.
"Ven-ow!" Eddie whined as he was roughly slammed up against the wall. He was suddenly greeted by the large, black head of his symbiote, Venom. Those huge eyes bored into his and those teeth were just centimeters from his face.
"You. Are. A. Loser," Venom growled low and dangerously.
"Tell me something I don't already know."
Eddie wished he hadn't even opened his mouth before Venom suddenly seized both his wrists and pinned them up over his head, knotting them together with a thick band of black. Eddie whimpered as Venom's teeth barely scratched his cheek.
"You let him touch you," he growled. "And I said no. You disobeyed me, Eddie."
"He's my friend, okay?"
"Oh, no. Not after this." Venom sounded extremely smug. But then he moved so that his teeth pressed against Eddie's ear. "You. Belong to me, little one," he whispered.
Eddie shivered as a flood of mixed feelings surged through him.
"Venom—" he began again, but Venom interrupted.
"I don't think we'll be needing to go to get food after this. No. Not after I'm done with you."
Now Eddie really did shiver in his bonds.
"What...what are you going to do?" he whimpered.
"Everything. I'm going to do everything to you, dumb little bitch," Venom hissed in his ear. "And everyone's going to know who you belong to after this. There's going to be so much of you that I've claimed you won't be able to show yourself in public, fearful someone might see. But I'm going to break you, Eddie Brock. Oh, I'm going to break you. You belong to me and to no one else. We do not like to share."
"Venom..." Eddie squeaked, his heart pounding.
"Where should I start first?" Venom mused as a few tentacles flowed out from Eddie's body. "Hmm. This looks like an excellent place to start."
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut as he tried his best to return the kiss. But it was kinda hard as the tongue was so thick and wide and wet. It slid down his throat so easily, filling him, claiming him, cutting off his air supply. But no worries. Venom would breath for him.
Eddie moaned a little as he felt something poke him from the inside. He realized that it was Venom's tongue. Venom chuckled darkly as his tongue again licked up against Eddie's large intestine.
I can plug your ass with it if you wish, my little boy, he growled seductively in Eddie's head.
Eddie almost fell to the ground as he felt that thick tongue slither out his hole. Venom was literally so fucking big.
Oh, my god, the tongue, I didn't know it reached that far, Eddie whined.
Yes, Eddie. It has passed through you. Chuckling wickedly, Venom slowly extracted his tongue until it exited Eddie's mouth with a slurping, wet sound that made Eddie lightheaded.
"Oh, and that was just the beginning," Venom growled.
"I'm sorry, Venom, I'm sorry, okay?" Eddie gasped, eyes still closed.
"You didn't listen to me, so why would I listen to you, Hmm? Just be a good little boy and take it."
Eddie yelped when he felt his hoodie being ripped off.
"Hey! I'm gonna need that when we leave!"
"No, you won't, Eddie," Venom cooed. "I can be your hoodie. Watch."
More of Venom came out now, spreading across Eddie's bare chest, caressing his skin, making the man moan when they passed over his pecs and nipples, tweaking them. A tentacle was shoved into his jeans and down into his boxers and wrapped around his dick. Two more tentacles came out and slowly pulled his jeans down.

"No..." he whispered. "Venom, no."
"Venom, yes," was the humored reply and then Venom decided that his host needed some more things done to him. Like fucking.
Eddie howled when that first thrust was made. The tentacle was thin and slid into him easily. Venom fucked him fast and rough, expanding the tentacle inside rapidly, making Eddie moan louder.
"Little bitch. Thought you could escape me, hmm? Thought you were strong enough to handle me?"
"No, no, never, I—"
"You are nothing without me, Eddie Brock. Nothing. No one is more important to you than I am. Not even Derick. And he wasn't even a good friend to you, was he?"
"Made you do things with him you didn't enjoy when you were younger, didn't he? Made you his little bitch. His little slut. Tell me. That's what he did."
"Well, you want me to tell you what I'm going to do, Eddie? I'm going to make you take my cock. You'd like that, wouldn't you, you filthy little whore?"
Eddie nodded slowly and whined as he felt something push against his lips.
"Open wide. I've got a treat for you," Venom cooed.
Eddie complied and the makeshift dick was thrust inside. Venom hummed in satisfaction.
"Good boy, Eddie. Good little boy. Taking it so well, aren't you? Your pretty little mouth straining to get farther around my fat cock, Hmm? Look at you. So needy. So beautiful for me, Eddie."
Eddie was starting to feel overstimulated and very very hot and sweaty. He was trying his best, the tears rolling down his face as he tried to swallow Venom's monstrous cock. Venom only grinned at him and licked his neck, starting to bite down gently and firmly.
"Say it, Eddie. Say that you're mine."
"I 'hurths," Eddie mumbled around the spit and the dick in his mouth. Venom laughed and tickled his thighs.
"Yes, Eddie. Good boy. Doing so well for me." Venom licked his lips as he kept on pumping Eddie's dick with a tentacle, keeping the other one at a rythmic pace inside of Eddie's wet, dripping hole. "You're going to cum soon, little one. And so am I." Venom leaned in close towards Eddie's face. "And I'm going to make you swallow it," he purred.
Eddie moaned loudly at the thought of all of Venom's hot, sticky cum rushing down his throat.
And when Venom released his dick....he came. The orgasm wracked his body and Venom eagerly swallowed the fluids that came out of both ends, one by mouth and the other by tentacle.
"Very good, Eddie. You taste so good," Venom praised the shaking man. Eddie sighed and let his head fall back against the titles. "But I have yet to cum."
Eddie opened his eyes just in time to see Venom's face in front of his, smiling wickedly as that long tongue licked his teeth.
"I'm going to mark you, Eddie Brock. I'm going to fucking mark you. That way no one will ever try to take you from me again. And it will serve as a reminder..." Venom gently booped Eddie's nose, "not to ignore me. Do you understand, little one?"
All Eddie could do was nod.
"Goood." Venom suddenly reared his head back and then chomped down very hard on Brock's shoulder. Eddie cried out as the blood started flowing from the wound. Venom greedily slurped it up and healed it halfway so it would scar. Then he did the same to Eddie's other shoulder. By the time he was done, Venom had marked Eddie in all of the best (and worst) places. On his neck, on his thighs, on his hips, on his back, on his ass, and even around his ass.
Hickeys and dark, ugly bruises followed suits as tentacles sucked and Venom licked. Eddie moaned, the dick still in his mouth.
Then, with a shudder, Venom came. Eddie, startled, choked on the first few globs that hurriedly lodged themselves in his gullet, but was finally able to guzzle the rest down. He was still sucking even as Venom was completely empty and Venom chuckled, gently pulling the makeshift dick out of Eddie's mouth.
"Greedy, Eddie," he smirked. Eddie only blinked at him with a tired and dazed expression. Venom gently licked Eddie's lips and smiled.
"Baby boy needs a nap?" he growled softly. "Let's go home then. I'll take care of you."
Eddie could only nod, the aftershock of what had just happened to him finally sinking in.
When they finally reached their apartment, and Eddie was snuggling down into the blankets, sleeping overpowering him, Venom chuckled, stroking him affectionately.
"Go to sleep, little one," he whispered. "You won't be able to take the next round awake."
Eddie fell asleep instantly after that remark. Venom smiled thoughtfully to himself and slid a tentacle down under the sheets. Wrapping around the man's dick again, he started pumping.
"Oh, you're going to have so many sweet, wet dreams tonight, my precious little Eddie," he laughed. "So many wonderful, wonderful dreams."

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