Good Boy (Part 2)

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"You're so cute."


"I said you're cute," Venom repeated with a grin.

They were chilling on the couch, waiting for the ads to finished before they got back to the football game Eddie had wanted fo watching.

That had obviously surprised the reporter because he got all flustered and shifted a little, confused.

"Oh. Um...." he stuttered, but Venom just gave him a sly smirk and went on.

"Aww, does my sweet Eddie have a little kink?"

"Wh-what?!" Eddie sputtered, face now bright red.

"Isn't that what this is called? A praise kink?" Venom purred, nuzzling the side of Eddie's head.


"Your mind is very helpful," the alien snickered, pressing a gentle kiss against Eddie's cheek, making the man shudder and gasp. "You enjoy this. You enjoy it when I talk to you like this."


Venom knew what he was doing. Of course he did, he was inside Eddie. And he was enjoying it too, which told Eddie that he wouldn't even be able to get out of this even if he tried.

So, there was only one option left. Play along. He couldn't really hide from Venom anyway.


"You look so adorable when you wear this," the symbiote purred, ever so gently running a tendril down Eddie's hoodie, smoothing the wrinkles out and trailing back up to tease at Eddie's neck.

"'s just a hoodie, V," Eddie muttered, avoiding eye contact as much as he could to hide his rising blush.

"It makes you look like a little puppy," Venom crooned. "A sweet, innocent, submissive little puppy who just needs love and affection. And that's what you are. A little puppy, begging and whining for me to love you."

Eddie's breath hitched as he felt Venom's tongue curl out to softly swipe against his lips, making him shiver and whine a little. Venom's smug grin was anything but predatory.

"I like the sound you make when something surprises you. And that little giggle whenever you find something funny...mmm, it's adorable. And when you get sleepy your words get slurred and you get so quiet and compliant...."

"V..." Eddie bit his lower lip and shifted, growing more and more flustered as time went on.

"Mmm, that's right, Eddie," the symbiote growled. "You're so needy, always needing attention. You crave it. You can't even go a day without blushing anymore, can you?"

The man whined as he felt tendrils beginning to slip underneath his hoodie and begin to feel him up softly, slowly. He groaned a little as he felt Venom's ravenous delight flood through their bond.

"Let me take care of you, Eddie. Let me take care of your needs." Venom let his tongue slide out in a sultry manner as one of the tendrils slipped underneath Eddie's chin and caressed him lovingly. "You want it. You need it."

"Y-yes," Eddie gasped, shivering when he saw Venom's head float close to his.

"Mmm, good boy."

Eddie's blush couldn't have gotten any redder.

"I....I'm a good boy?" he whispered, hating how his voice gave him away.

"Mmm, yes, you're such a good boy, Eddie. Such a good boy," Venom cooed, patting the majorly flustered Eddie on the head with a tentacle. "Good, wonderful Eddie."

Eddie blushed as Venom kissed him again, the tendrils underneath his hoodie slipping and sliding all over his heated red skin. He gasped and his hips jerked up a little as Venom teasingly allowed one tendril to brush up against his crotch, making him moan softly.


"Mmmm, Eddieeeee," Venom growled in his ear. "Perfect, wonderful, beautiful Eddie."

"F-fuck, V—" Eddie whimpered, looking into those piercing, searching eyes of his Other. Venom hummed, letting his sharp teeth gently graze against his human's ear, eliciting a shudder from him.

"You're mine, Eddie Brock. All mine."

"A-all y-yours," Eddie replied, swallowing hard when Venom began kissing his neck, pressing his lips against that soft human flesh, tender and loving.

"That's a good boy. Such a good little boy, does this feel good, hmm? Wouldn't it be a shame if I just stopped and made you beg for more?"

"N-no, don't stop!" Eddie blurted out. Venom's dark, predatory chuckle had his dick twitching in his pants.

"Oh, I don't plan to, little boy. You're too needy. You'll be whining and begging, crying for me to touch you, won't you? Mhm, you're so fucking cute when you're desperate like this." Venom smirked as he licked up Eddie's neck with his tongue. "Now tell me, who's my good boy?"


"Who's my cute, needy little pet?"


"Mmm, yesss," Venom rumbled. "My little pet. All mine."

"Yes," Eddie gasped as Venom slowly, slowly began to unbutton his pants.

"Mmm, want me to fuck you now, little one?" Venom smirked against his neck. "I could do that if you wish."

"Please, please, fuck me, Venom, fill me, please," Eddie panted, eagerly thrusting his hips up into Venom's lone tendril still stroking and petting his clothes dick.

"Good boy, you ask so nicely," Venom praised, loving how Eddie shivered at the dark tone. "I can't wait until I put my dick inside of you and fill you up with my hot, delicious spawn, breeding you. You'll be so warm, so wet, so tight for me, won't you, Eddie? Just for me...."

Eddie let out a whimpering gasp as Venom yanked his pants down, stripping him of his boxers as well, growling possessively.

"See all of this? This all belongs to me." Venom lowered his head down until it was between Eddie's legs and he chuckled softly as he watched the utterly wrecked, desperate look on his precious human's face. "And I'm going to take it all."

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