I Like Me Better When I'm With You, Eddie

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Eddie was sleeping peacefully in his bed when he felt something tap his shoulder. Groaning, he pulled the blankets around his head to block out the intruder.
"No, it's too early," he replied in a monotone. He felt the covers being taken off of him and his eyes popped open. He sat up quickly, reaching for his blankets.
A large, single tentacle held the corners of the blanket, keeping it just out of reach.
Wake up, Eddie.
"Venom, come on, just five more minutes?"
"Ugh, fine. Be like that." Eddie flopped back onto the bed and turned over on his side, ignoring the symbiote.
The tentacle hesitated for a moment and, dropping the blankets, swatted the man on his side. Eddie, eyes popping open again, flew to a sitting position and tried to grab the floating appendage.
"Venom! Come here!" The only answer was the alien's deep laughter. "Get back inside!"
You will have to catch me first, Eddie.
Eddie lunged for the tentacle. It danced out of the way, heading towards the side of the bed. Eddie attempted his catch again, but the symbiote was quick.
Dodging the hands, Venom laughed again as he watched as Eddie rolled to the end of the bed. His tentacle hovered over the reporter's face, teasing him.
Aww, come on, Eddie....you're much faster than this....
Eddie lunged and got what he wanted. Feeling the soft, warm substance in his hands, he gave a triumphant "ah-ha!" and proceeded to get off the bed.
"I got you, Venom. Now get back inside," he said as he stood in their room.
You're fast.
"Thank you."
But better think fast.
Eddie saw the head snake out slowly from his side, the large, toothy grin greeting him. A soft, greedy growl came from the alien as he drew near.
"I think you are forgetting what day it is, Eddie," the creature said.
"Well, it's Monday," Eddie said gloomily.
"Yes, but it is more than just a Monday." Venom put his head on one side and looked at Eddie. "It has something to do with someone special to you .... someone .... close , does it not?"
"Hold on, stop looking at me like that, you're making me unfocus..." Eddie averted his gaze from the steady eyes of his Other. "Um, let me think...."
"It's Anne's birthday."
"Oh! Shoot! It's Anne's birthday!" Eddie looked around his room frantically. "Venom! Why couldn't you just say that!"
"You were foggy in your brain, Eddie." Venom came up closer and the grin widened considerably. "I didn't want you to assume anything."
"Wha...why would I assume?" Eddie hurriedly went out the door and down the stairs.
"It just so happens that you were thinking about us ....were you not?"
"Okay, fine, you win, you win," Eddie said with a smile, knowing the extraordinary creature's motive. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?"
"We had that yesterday."
"With syrup!"
"I think we're out of syrup."
"Can't we buy some more?"
Eddie headed to the bathroom.
"Yes, but I can't exactly walk to the store. It's, like, ten miles from here. We'll have to eat something else."
"What? No!"
"Bad guys?"
"We went out a week ago."
"Eddie ...."
"What?" Eddie asked as he picked up his toothbrush and squeezed the mint green toothpaste onto the bristles.
"You are not brushing your teeth again, are you?"
"I have to," Eddie sighed.
Venom sniffed the toothpaste and made a face. He waited patiently until Eddie was finished and took the toothbrush in one large tentacle.
Eddie turned and began to carefully brush the symbiote's teeth. Venom started and pulled back. Before he knew what had happened, Eddie had toothpaste dribbling down his face.
"Ew! What the...Venom!"
"Sorry, but it's disgusting!"
"Well, can you at least get a towel so I can wipe my face off? Look, it's all over my face."
He suddenly felt the warm, long tongue swiping across his face. Before he could stop herself, he cried out, laughing,
"Bud! Stop!"
"This is the quickest way, Eddie," Venom replied.
Eddie tried to not laugh but the more the symbiote licked him, the more giggly he became.
Venom was immensely enjoying this. He liked feeling that his human was happy and it made him grin as he heard Eddie laugh and wriggle.
"Hold still," he  told the struggling man, taking hold of his arms and pinning them to the sink counter. "Stop wriggling so much, Eddie..."
"I... I'm trying," Eddie replied.
When Venom had been satisfied that the toothpaste was off Eddie's face, he drew back.
"But you have to brush your teeth," Eddie  said. "And, plus, you have it all in your mouth. Come on, let me finish."
"Only for you, Eddie," the alien sighed. Opening his huge mouth again, he allowed the man to begin brushing his long teeth again.
"See? It's not that bad," Rykel told him.
"The brush feels nice, but I still don't like the sticky, smooth intestinal thing."
"It's toothpaste, bud," Eddie told him with a slight grimace. "And please don't say it that way." Venom grinned.
"What would Anne want for her birthday?" Eddie asked, mostly to himself.
"No! V, Anne is not a cannibal!"
"What else do you get for someone's birthday then?"
"Well, you bring them gifts and we have a party."
"What's a party?"
"You'll see. Should we invite the others?"
"They're probably busy with work."
"That's true."
Eddie paused as he looked around the kitchen.
"Let's see..." He headed over to the pantry. Venom was still out and curiously looked around to see if he could assist his human.
"Here, can you grab that box over there?" Eddie pointed to a corner.
One of Venom's tentacles whisked out and curled around the box.
"Thanks. Now we can start."
Venom watched as Eddie started making eggs, bacon and toast. He was fascinated by the way the man worked. Looking over the reporter's shoulder, he sniffed the air and growled in satisfaction.
"That smells good," he  purred, nudging Eddie affectionately.

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