7 "Your Sister Was Right"

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I was finally going home from George's apartment. I was there for a couple more hours after Wilbur came but everyone started leaving so I left aswell.

I was embarassed by what happened, but what could I do about it anymore?

The moon was already sitting in the sky as I got to my home, parking my bike and walking to the front door. I sighed and opened the door and walked inside. I slipped my shoes off my feet, took off my jacket and went to the living room where I was greeted by my mother.

? "Hi, where have you been?" She asked me while pausing the TV with the controller.

Q "I was just hanging out with my friends." I answered her.

? "Oh that's great, which friends?"

Q "George, Wilbur, Karl, Dream and Nick."

? "Oh, I didn't know you are still friends with them, you haven't bought them over in a long time."

Q "Yeahhh, by the way, can I go to a party next Saturday, it's at Karl's place?"

? "Yes, as long as you don't do anything illegal."

Q "Yea, yea, I'm gonna eat something and go sleep, I'm tired."

? "Okay, good night."

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed a strawberry yoghurt
and closed the fridge. The drawer was slightly open, and I reached towards it to get a spoon. Once I got it, I went to my room to eat. I sat on my bed and opened the yoghurt and started eating it.

Q "What should I do tomorrow since it's Sunday so I don't have school.." I thought.

-  [in the morning]

I surprisingly snapped out of my dream. I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I got up and went to the bathroom. After that I sat back on my bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I noticed that Wilbur had texted me so I pressed his contact and looked at the messages.



Mornin', do u wanna
come over today?

oh sorry, i was asleep
but if i can then sure



what time tho?

Is twelve too early? We
could hang out longer then

no, i think i can make it :)

Okay, see you then.
the address is _______
btw if u didn't remember.

ok, see ya then.
btw should i bring
my guitar this timw?

sure, and cya luv ;))


I blushed a bit at the last message he sent me but got off my phone and changed my clothes. I decided to wear the same clothes as yesterday. I went back to the backroom and got a hairbrush. I took off my beanie and brushed my hair while looking at the mirror.

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