-°~Chapter 4~°-

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Word count: 1,141

If I don't see at least one comment each chapter I might go crazy, like I miss reading the comments :'/
No one's POV:

Much to Izuku's confusion he was woken up by someone or something poking him, he usually hated being woken up but this seemed like a small finger, so maybe a child?

Reluctantly he opened he's eyes to see what was poking him, and he was right, it was a small child, they had a little be bit shorter shoulder wavy black hair, they had yellow eyes, and they were wearing light blue overalls with a light purple shirt under it.

"Uhm... Hello?" Izuku questioned as he looked at the child, then he looked up and found two more people "Uhh hello to you two as well?" He questioned.

One of them had just parley making it into the wavy department of black hair and also had red eyes, he also had black wings behind him and black twisty horns, the other had Gravity defying light purple hair along with purple eyes to match, he had purple wings behind him while he had wavy horns that went up, both looked to be around 6'0 which made him angry but there was a child, he'd hold on the death threats.

"So your dad's son" the one with purple hair said in a flat tone.

"Uh... Yes? No? Maybe? Help???" Izuku questioned as he tried to think of something to say.

"Honestly kinda hard to believe, the only thing you two have in common is the eye bags and that you have some black in your hair" the one with black hair stated.

Said greenette just nodded before he started to fall asleep once again, though before he could fall asleep he felt someone poke he's cheek once again, making him open he's eyes and look over at the culprit.

"Yes small child?" Izuku asked as he blinked away he's tiredness.

"Can you cook?" They asked in a timid voice.

"Uh... Yeah why?" Izuku asked as he sat up.

"Can you make me some breakfast? Brothers aren't good at it..." They asked as they got up onto Izuku's lap, you could also hear faint mumbling in the background.

"Sure, but on one condition" the small child looked at him waiting for what he would say "You tell me your pronouns and name" Izuku finally said as he got up off the couch while he carried the child into the kitchen.

"Okay! I'm Shadow Aizawa and my pronouns are She/Them!" She said happily, as she was placed on the counter.

"Well that's great, Shadow is kinda a shady name tho" Izuku stated as he smirked at he's little pun.

There eyes seemed to sparkle at the pun "You like making puns too?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yep! I usually crack a few during the day" he stated with a proud smirk.

"I'm always making jokes too! But not everyone gets dem..." Shadow stated sadly.

Izuku thought for a moment before he pulled out a little notebook he keeps in he's shirt pocket "Here, it's full of puns, jokes, punch lines, and dark humor" he said as he handed it to them.

Shadow's smile grew big and wide as she hugged it "Thank you greenie!" She said as she started to go threw the small book.

He chuckled before he slowly started to make he's way out of the kitchen while the child is distracted, he made it pretty far, almost to the door as well, though right when he was about to leave he felt someone grab the back of he's shirt and yank him right back.

"Where do you think your going?" He heard Aizawa ask as he looked at him.

"Uh... To... Get the milk... Like you did all those years ago" Izuku stated with a smirk.

He was quiet for a little bit till he gave a long sigh "Alright come back, you said you could cook so your making food" Aizawa stated as he picked up the greenette and threw him over he's shoulder.

"You heard that?- Oh wait no, AYO PUT ME DOWN HICCUP REINCARNATED LOOKING ASS!!" Izuku yelled as he tried to get out of he's grip.

When they reached the kitchen Aizawa plopped Izuku down on one of the chairs, before he hemself sat down, apparently while he was trying to take he's leave everyone desided to sit down at the table, though before Izuku could make a dirty joke he felt someone plop down into he's lap, oviously the small child.

Izuku looked down at the child that was practically radiating the sun in there smile "I love your joke book!! I even came up with a few! Can I try them on you? Please!!" She pleaded.

Unfortunately Izuku had a soft spot for children, so he just gave a sigh before picking them up "Of course, you have to help cook though" he stated as he placed them on the counter once again.

"Okay! What are we making?" Shadow asked.

"Iiiiiii have no idea... But I'll figure it out!" Izuku stated, which got him a giggle from the small child so he thought that as a win.

Though now he actually had to figure out what to cook...





You may be wondering what happened or what exactly is happening, well I'll explain real quick.

Little Izuku had cooked for the small family of 5, though as soon as everyone ate he's food they had immediately found that it was the most delicious food they'd ever fucking ate, now Izuku's in the living room, in Keigo's lap being held in place, while the other kids hugged him in various ways praising him and begged him to never leave.


Though said greenette didn't exactly know how to deal with this type of praise, he dose get praised every once in a while but he's never exactly been able to handle it, so he's just about as red as Monama's ass rash (don't question how he knows this).

"Aww the little Birdy is flustered!" Keigo stated as he looked at the greenette.

"QUIET CAPTAIN CANNIBAL" Izuku yelled as he got more red.

Shadow got into Izuku's lap and hugged him before looking up at him "Big brother? Can you please stay?" She asked with the puppy dog eyes.

Izuku tried to resist those puppy eyes but god damn they were a weapon of mass fucking destruction, so with a sigh he gave them a pat on the head.

"Yeah... Yeah I'll stay" Izuku stated, though the big happy smile on there face was totally worth it.

"Well then, welcome to the family officially" Aizawa stated from the couch, in return he did the middle finger though.

Ah, good times.

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