-°~Chapter 9~°-

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Word count: 1,285

Shoji is best boi, end of discussion 😤
No one's POV:

It's been a few days sense the whole talk and things are tense.

I mean it wasn't like Izuku was trying to make anything tense, when he was asked he got a little awkward but he answered truthfully, he stated that he would have to see when the time came but now they were being weird about it.

Now they seemed to be trying to get even closet to him, they were showing him all around the village, just over all hinting at him staying in the village with them, he probably would've stayed there anyway but now that they were pushing at it he wasn't so sure...

The others seemed to have noticed but he guessed they probably asked them about it, becouse now they were also hinting at it which made him even more frustrated.

But alas he didn't say anything, he didn't want them to feel upset because he wanted them to stop, because even though he found it anoying another part of him found it pretty sweet that they were trying to hard to make him stay with them, but another part of him wants to know why.

Izuku still very much wondered why he's father never once showed up in he's whole life, I mean he was 17 and would be turning 18 in 10 mouths so he found it a bit weird he'd show up when he was almost a whole ass adult, honestly he didn't know if he should blame he's mum for never telling him about he's dad, Aizawa for never trying to visit, or hemself for not trying harder to get answers.

All in all he was very conflicted.

With a heavy sigh Izuku sat up, he wasn't going to just sit here and be a depresso with little Expresso he'll just go hunt, he wants some meat to eat anyway.

So he made he's way downstairs to the living room where he saw Hitoshi and shadow playing around, as quietly as he could he grabbed he's hunting stuff then made he's way to the door, with luck on he's side he got out of the house without them stopping him or hopefully seeing him, so he ran to forest after words because if they heard the close they'd obviously try to stop him.

A few minutes later he finally made it to the forest, with a breath of fresh air he smirks as he starts hunting for he's prey.

Oh this would be fun.


Little Izuku has been out for about an hour now and he's got a pretty impressive few catches of meat, around three dear actually.

Though right now he has he's eyes on he's forth dear, he took a deep breath as he reeled back he's arm, he kept an eye on it for a moment before he got ready to launch he's arrow at the dear.


With the sudden sound Izuku let out a startled yelp as he accidentally let go of he's arrow, making him hit the tree above where the dear was, making the dear run away in fright.

"Damn it..." Izuku muttered with a heavy sigh, he was so close!

"Ah... Sorry about that..."

Izuku whipped he's head around to see who had spoke, when he heard the branch snap he had assumed it was an animal because it's the woods in all but of course it had to be a person, so he looked around and a few seconds later he saw someone stop out from behind a fairly large tree.

If he's memory was correct the big Burley man he sees in front of him is Shoji, Denki's apparently partner that finds him attractive? He honestly didn't know at this point, it seems everyone he meets has the hots for him.

"Oh Shoji, hello! I didn't expect to see you here" Izuku stated as he smiled at the grey haired male.

"Yeah... I saw you running around a little while back, so I figured I would make sure you were okay.." Shoji stated bashfully, he honestly didn't mean to spy, but Izuku looked kinda hot all focused and serious like that...

"Oh yeah I'm okay, just wanted to hunt is all!" Izuku said with a strained smile.

Though to he's amAzing luck Shoji could see right threw it, but for the greenette's sake he didn't say anything about it, instead he nodded to let Izuku know he heard.

"That's cool, mind if I tag along? Maybe help hold the meat sense I scared away your pray?" Shoji offered softly.

"Oh sure! Just try to keep up big boy~" Izuku winked before he ran off into the forest.

It took Shoji a minute to compose hemself before he ran after the small mortal, when he cought up to him he found Izuku with a rabbit, at first he thought he had captured it but instead he saw Izuku freeing it from a trap, then seconds later when the little bunny was free he saw it go into a small hidey hole, where he saw even more bunny's, more specifically baby bunny's.

Which made him give a smile, this little mortal was really something, he was sassy and petty, yet he had a heart of gold while he's smile radiated a million suns, it made him wonder how much more he could do to make him fall.

A few minutes later after Izuku was done playing with the bunny and her kids he stood back up then looked behind him facing Shoji.

"So Shoji-" Izuku started but was cut off.


"Huh?" Izuku questioned.

"Mezo, it's my first name, please call me by it" Shoji requested.

"Oh I see, we'll then Mezo would you be so kind as to help me carry my load back home?" Izuku asked dramatically.

Shoji chuckled as he nodded, he picked up Izuku's load while Izuku carried one of he's dear on he's shoulders, as they walked they talked and honestly Izuku really enjoyed talking to the very tall man, he was interesting to talk to, he kept Izuku in the loop making sure he didn't get lost, he asked questions and when Izuku seemed uncomfortable with a subject he'd change it, it was nice.

They ended up dropping off most the meat at the slaughter house, then when he went to go home Shoji had instantly said he would walk him home, once they actually arrived they started there good byes.

"Welp it was nice talking to you Mezo, we should hang out again some time" Izuku stated with a small smile.

Shoji's face exploded with color which made him glad that he wore he's face mask.

"Y-Yeah that would be nice... Hey come here for a minute" Shoji asked as he motioned for him to come closer.

Even though he was confused he nodded and made he's way over to him, when he was within arms lang shoji pulled him into he's chest, and before Izuku could question anything he felt a pair of lips on he's forehead, he's cheek, then he felt Shoji's breath on he's ear.

"I'll see ya Friday at 7" Shoji whispered before he let go and walked away, with a heavy blush starting to form as he pulled he's mask back up.

Izuku took a second to recover before he ran inside then up to he's room, completely ignoring the other's yells, when he got into he's room he fell on he's bed where he's face became a deep red, quickly he hid he's face in he's pellow.

"Fuck why was that hot?.." Izuku questioned, though he definitely wasn't complaining.

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