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"Okay so about now is when I'm on lunch break and as you're my intern you're shifts and breaks will be the same as mine. So you have an hour" Taehyung smiled as he gathered something's on his desk, putting them in order.
"Ah okay, thank you" Jungkook smiled, grabbing his bag and pulled the water bottle out from earlier, taking a few sips from it as he stared off into space.

Tae watched him carefully from a distance, unsure what he was doing.
"Uhm did you bring lunch with you or are you going to get food from the canteen?" Tae questioned, noticing how he wasn't grabbing any food out of his bag.

Jungkook looked up with wide eyes and sheepishly laughed. "I have no food, or money" Jungkook nervously squirmed in his seat feeling slightly uncomfortable.
Taehyung inaudibly gasped and marched over to the boy. He pulled him off the seat and dragged out the office, and down the corridor.

It was a shocking sight to everyone. Tae was dragging the new intern by the hand, not the wrist, by the hand. It might not seem as something that should be questioned, but Taehyung is known for keeping his personal space. He doesn't like people hugging him, touching him... no one understood why, but of course there was a valid reason behind it.

But for the intern it was a shock just because he was caught off guard, not because he knew that Tae had a thing about personal space, because he didn't know about it. They had only just met forgod's sake. And that points out another reason Jungkook was shocked. They had only been on shift together for 5 hours and they were already shamelessly flirting and being touchy. And for someone who is deprived of attention and contact, it was baffling and new.

Once they reached the elevator Tae quickly let go of the boys hands and took a deep breath, not even being able to understand what just happened himself. He was only just getting used to his son's close contact and physical touch but now out of no where he was willingly holding a random persons hand and dragging them to an elevator.

Jungkook just stood there with a deep blush on his face, rocking his feet back and forth trying to process what just happened himself.
"I uh yeah forgot to mention we get free meals here. So every break we are allowed to get anything we want from the canteen, and it's like a meal deal thing so people aren't greedy and take the lot" Tae awkwardly scratched his arm trying to take his mind off his irritableness.

"Oh thank the lord, I have no money" Jungkook cheered, as he felt his stomach rumble.
"Hungry I see" Taehyung winked, making Jungkook blush once again.
"Yeah just a little bit"
"Okay well come on, I can't leave you hungry for long" Tae smiled, rushing out of the elevator with Jungkook running behind him as Taehyung's steps were insanely long.

Jungkook bounced on his feet as he could see that todays food was mac and cheese, which looked amazing. His eyes were so bright, and he didn't even realise the drawl which was about to fall from the corner of his lip.

"You're like a kid in a candy store" Taehyung teased looking back to see the bouncing intern, with an excited face displayed.
"I haven't had Mac n cheese in ages" Jungkook squealed.
"You're practically a kid yet you haven't had Mac n cheese, love you've been missing out"

"L-love" Jungkook gasped under his breath.
"Look come along it's our turn" the doctor called, making the intern follow with his tray.

"Ah doctor Kim what can I get you?" the dinner lady smiled at the respected man.
"Two Mac n cheese's please" Taehyung said again with such professionalism.
"Of course, how's everything going?" she asked as she scooped the pasta into two cardboard bowls.
"Fine thanks, this is the new intern Jeon who is working under me"

Jungkook quickly bowed and took the bowl of pasta and placed it on the tray.
"Thank you mame" Jungkook gave a bright smile making the dinner lady smile back.
"Nice to meet you Dr Jeon"
"Nice to meet you too" Jungkook bounced happily.

"Now choose your drink and one other thing" Tae said as he grabbed a bottle of water and some fruit.
Jungkook gasped when he saw the banana milk fully stocked up and so he grabbed one.

Tae turned his head and his eyes widened.
"You like banana milk?" He raised his eye brow.
"It's my guilty pleasure Doctor Kim" Jungkook squealed excitedly.
"Gosh I'm actually looking after a child" Tae pinched his nose as he walked off to his normal table where his friends were, without seeing if the intern was behind him.

"Hm Tae who were you with in the queue earlier, was he new?" Jimin asked.
Taehyung gasped and his head swung around.
"Ah shit" Taehyung grumbled as he saw the boy sitting on his own, eating with a small pout on his face as he chewed.
"Give me a second and then you can meet him" Tae jumped from his seat and walked over to the boy.

"Jungkook" Taehyung called.
"Doctor Kim, do you need anything?" Jungkook asked as he slowly chewed on his food covering his mouth with his hand.
"Yes, you don't need to sit on your own, I'll introduce you to the other doctors in our sector, you will be seeing a lot of, so it's good to make friends with them" Taehyung encouraged the boy.

Jungkook nervously nodded and followed the doctor with his tray and sat next to him.
"Hi my name is Jeon Jungkook, I'm the new intern" Jungkook nervously smiled.
"Hey, welcome to the group, my name is Kim Namjoon and this is my husband Kim Seokjin and we are both surgeons"
"Nice to meet you" Jungkook smiled and shook their and softly.
"Can I just say you're so cute, look at your lil cheeks" Jin cooed.

Jungkook blushed and was about to say thank you but he was cut off by someone else introducing each other.
"Hi my name is Park Jimin, and these are my two boyfriends Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok"
"It's good to meet you, I hope you enjoy your time here" Hobi smiled.
"I hope I will too" Jungkook smiled, finally feeling a warm feeling inside.

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