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"He's so perfect" Jungkook sighed in bliss looking at the baby which had his arms wrapped around the boys neck, holding the collar of his shirt as his head rested close to his neck.
Jungkook was holding him like the most fragile thing in earth, and Tae was watching from afar.

"He really is" Tae smiled looking at his beautiful child in the arms of the intern.
"Well we should be getting home now, I mean we have to come back tomorrow"
Jungkook sighed and nodded softly, not wanting to leave and go home, but he had to.

Jungkook slowly stood up and took his hand away from Bam's back and gently tried to pull his clenched hands away from his shirt but as he did the baby began to stir. Bam tried resting his head back onto the interns shoulder but Jungkook only tried to pull him away more.

Bam began to cry and wail, trying to hold onto him more.
"Shhh baby, don't cry" Jungkook gently rubbed his back and bounced him.
This isn't the first time this has happened but it was only a light cry so once Jungkook passed him to Tae he stopped crying.

But this time, this time was different. Bam was screaming and crying much more this time. He was thrashing around once in Tae's hold.
"Come on Bam bub, please don't cry" Tae pleaded. "He's definitely not hungry, he only ate an hour ago" he said as he began listing ideas.

Jungkook walked over and placed his hand on the back of the baby trying to calm him down. The baby didn't stop crying but he did stop thrashing around. He turned his head to Jungkook and opened his arms out, only for a few seconds, and put them down again before repeating the action.

"Maybe he wants you to hold him?" Tae pondered, as he slowly placed the boy back into Jungkook's arms.
Bam immediately clung to Jungkook, letting his last few tears fall down his cheek and finished with some sniffles.
"Well that answered a lot" Taehyung chuckled tiredly.
"I guess so" Jungkook looked at them both in surprise.

"Uh well, do you have any plans now?" Taehyung asked as he picked up his backpack and made sure all his cabinets and draws were locked.
"Uhm nope, nothing planned" Jungkook shook his head while caressing the baby's chubby cheek which was stained with tears.

"Okay, well my little champ here doesn't want to let go, so do you want to come over to mine. I was going to order a take away anyway tonight so you're more than welcome to join, we can watch a movie or something. Or if that's going to make you uncomfortable we can always..."

"Tae it's fine" Jungkook quickly cut him off. "I'd love that. But a take away? I thought doctors are supposed to be healthy?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows with a cheeky smirk.
"Be quiet bambi, I don't have them everyday" Tae remarked as he walked to the door with a playful scoff.

But once he reached the door Taehyung realised what he had just said. He smacked his mouth with his hand and turned around to see Jungkook's face. The boy had his mouth wide open along with his wide eyes. Taehyung turned a bright shade of red feeing so embarrassed that the word slipped out his mouth. They've only known each other for a few months now. I mean a lot can happen in a few months and they are working together all the time , but still...

"I-I'm so sorry" Taehyung muttered out not knowing what to say in this sort of situation.
Jungkook blinked a few times when he Bam began to wiggle around noticing Jungkook not giving him attention.
"N-no don't apologise, you didn't say anything wrong...wait I mean, no I meant that, but well, you know, never mind. It's been a while since I've had a nickname and I especially wasn't expecting that. But...it was nice" Jungkook said in one breath, making him gasp for air afterwards.

There was a small pause before Taehyung just burst into laughter. Jungkook looked at him with a weirded face.
"I didn't know you could rap" Tae snorted out as they walked out of their office together.
"Bitches wish they could be me" Jungkook sassed as he walked off, with Tae quickly rushing to keep up with him.

Jungkook looked down and saw the baby in his arms was giggling sweetly while touching Jungkook's jaw, watching him with fond eyes. Jungkook smiled back and decided to slow down his pace for the doctor to catch up. Taehyung smiled and they walked to the front desk where they needed to sign out.

They walked to the car park and Tae guided the intern to his car.
"Do you want me to put him into the car seat?" Tae questioned as he opened the back door, where the baby car seat was.
"I don't mind doing it, but stay there in case I do something wrong please" Jungkook smiled when he saw Tae nod.

Jungkook carefully placed Bam into the car seat, and tried to bring around the strap but it wasn't clipping. Jungkook pouted after a few tries and stopped. Taehyung came from behind and grabbed one of Jungkook's hands while he used his other.
"Clip it now" Tae instructed as he guided Jungkook's hand to clip it and it went in.

Taehyung unwrapped his hand from the younger's and made sure they were both out of the way before shutting the door.
"All done, now let's go I'm starving" Tae cheered, travelling around to the drivers seat.
Jungkook was left there stunned for the nth time that day. He slowly dragged his feet to the front seat and sat down. He covered his rosey cheeks with his hands and fanned himself.

"God it's hot in here, why is the heater on?" Jungkook gasped, making up excuses.
"Uhm the heaters aren't on?" Tae smirked.

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