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Taehyung woke up gasping for air, gripping the bedsheets around him in desperation as his chest began to close.
"koo" Tae said turning his head around trying to see his lover.
"Bambi" he called once again feeling more panicked.
"JUNGKOOK" Tae finally yelled out before his chest tightened so much that he couldn't talk.

A few seconds later, the bedroom door swung open with a worried Jungkook.
"Shit Tae" Jungkook ran towards him and cupped the boys face with gentle hands.
"Deep breathes with me" Jungkook began to do it but Taehyung wasn't cooperating, he hated seeing the boy like this.
"Come on Tete for me, breathe in" Jungkook breathed in through the nose, with Tae thankfully following.
"Now breathe out" Jungkook said, exhaling, which Tae then did.

They did this until Tae's shaky breath was steady once again.
"Here have some water" Jungkook said handing him a glass of water.
Taehyung drank the whole glass before placing it on the bedside table.
"Feeling better?" Jungkook asked softly pushing some of his sweaty hair out of his face.
Taehyung nodded and muttered a small thank you. Jungkook moved himself forwards, giving the boy soft kisses.

"Everything's okay. Listen to me, I love you, so so much. And I know you're beating yourself up about it, but you tried your up most best. You should never tell yourself, what could have I done better, because you already did your best. And I know you did, you would have put all your dedication into it, when do you not. You can grieve but you can't beat yourself up, I won't allow it."

There was a small pause, before he was tackled into a hug. Jungkook heard small sniffles.
"I love you, from the very bottom of my heart Bambi"
"I love you too, so much tete" Jungkook smiled, as they laid in each other's embrace.

They were snuggled right down so their faces were right in front of each other, so close that their noses were touching. Their arms and legs were tangled, and they were just gazing at one another. Jungkook softly traced the boys features with his fingers. Lightly brushing his finger over his nose, jaw, eyebrows, ears; Tae let him do it, feeling comfort from his small, delicate touches.

"You look tired, did you sleep much last night?" Tae whispered with a cracked voice, as his eyes scanned over the younger noticing the small bags under his eyes which are drooping.
"I did a bit, but it's okay. Are you hungry, I'm sure you haven't eaten in a long while? I was making lunch if you want some?"
Tae caressed the younger's cheek softly and looked at him gratefully, "please".

Jungkook smiled and placed his lips on the elders. Tae was quick to kiss back and they both melted. The kiss held many emotions, all of which were positive. Tae couldn't speak much but it's kisses like these which he can show his love language. Although he always hated touch, he can't get enough of it when it comes down to Jungkook.

"Okay, well freshen yourself up and I'll make you something. Do you want it up here? I can bring a plate up for you if you want."
"It's okay baby, I'll come down, I wanna see Bam anyway" Tae kissed Jungkook's forehead, before untangling him from himself to let him leave.

Jungkook ran downstairs to finish preparing lunch for them both while assisting the baby. While Tae left the room and had a quick wash. He put one of his tops on which Jungkook always steals, along with a clean pair of pants and joggers.

He walked downstairs once he was ready and saw his favourite image on earth. Jungkook had his top off and was letting Bam suckle on his nipple while Jungkook finished making the food. Jungkook turned around and smiled walking up to the elder, kissing him sweetly.

"He was smacking his lips, and kept tugging on my shirt and I'd already fed him" Jungkook pouted.
"You're a blessing" Tae kissed his forehead, not even listening to his whines about how embarrassing it was.
Jungkook blushed massively and quickly covered his blush with him sticking his tongue out.
Taehyung laughed and walked over to where he was making lunch. He took a big bite of the sandwich and hummed with satisfaction.

"Wanna watch a film or something?" Jungkook asked, as he softly bounced the baby who was still suckling on his nipple.
"Yeah I'd like that" Tae nodded, finishing the sandwich.
"Okay well if you settle down I'll grab you some blankets so we can cuddle" Jungkook pushed the elder softly to the couch which he didn't refuse.

Jungkook grabbed the few blankets and walked back to the couch. They shuffled around on the couch, and got comfortable. Jungkook rested his back against the side of the couch with Bam on his chest, while Tae laid between his legs and rested his head on Jungkook's stomach.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?" Jungkook asked skimming through Netflix.
"I'm fine with anything bub"
Jungkook smiled and put something random on, nothing too heavy, just something to keep them entertained and distracted or a while.

Bam fell fast asleep with a pacifier in his mouth, sucking it softly while he slept. Jungkook made sure Bam was safely on his chest without needing his hands there for support so he could play with Tae's hair. He curled it around his fingers, and began plaiting it in small braids. He kept a careful eye on the doctor, just in case he went off in his head and went through the blame cycle once again.

"Tae" Jungkook whispered.
"Hm" Tae said as he lifted up the boys T-shirt and kissed the younger's squishy stomach which he loved so dearly. It was an amazing feeing that he could see Jungkook was putting on weight after these past months.
"Do you want to know a secret? I feel like it might cheer you up a bit" Jungkook suppressed his laughs from the ticklish feeling.
"Of course" Tae perked up a bit.

"I'm an mpreg"

There was a small pause before Taehyung gasped, letting it finally sink in.
"You mean we can have our own children and I'll be able to look after a pregnant koo, and Bam can have a sibling" Tae kept rambling.
"Mhm, we can love" Jungkook smiled brightly, seeing Tae's wide smile after a long day and a bit.

"Wait...Are you gonna have boobs when pregnant?" Tae gasped.
"Kim Taehyung, why is your main concern if i'll have boobs or not? You're a doctor"

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