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Levi woke to find himself in a field, laying in a patch of some weird type of wildflowers. Sitting up, slowly he took in his surroundings. Thousands of different colored flowers were scattered across the sea of emerald green. Within the Sea of green, there was a blanket with a basket on it long left forgotten on the grass. There was an oak tree on the other side of the feild. He could faintly see the figure of someone sitting underneath it. The sound of a laugh made him jump slightly and before he could do much of anything a set of hands covered his eyes. His eyelashes tickled the soft skin of the stranger's palms.

"Guess who" An annoying familiar voice sang.

Levi's breath caught in his throat and he stilled. He slowly moved his hands up to wrap around the wrists of the person. How long had it been since he had last heard their voice? It seemed it had been ages since he had heard them so god damn happy.

"Leeevvviii." They sang into his ear softly.

"Hanji." Levi breathed.

The hands were removed from his face and when he opened his eyes there they were messy hair and all. Their glasses were on the edge of their nose as always, those bright hazel eyes staring at him. Out of habit he reached forward and pushed the glasses up, causing Hanji to snort. He took in the sight of his friend. Their hair was no longer in a mussy bun, though it was still messy their long hair was down and he could see the slight natural curl it had.

"You took forever to get here." They complained.

"Give him a break Han," A new voice giggled.

Levi looked over Hanji's shoulder to see the two blondes. Nanaba and Miche looked the same as they did all those years ago except for the small details. Nana's hair was longer, her once thin figure was fuller. Miche's stupidly long hair was tied back into a ponytail, his beard tame for once. They looked the same as they had years ago it was just the small details is what got him.

"Am I," Levi swallowed? "Am I dreaming?"

"Do you want to be dreaming?" Nan asked

"No" He whispered, shaking his head.

"That's good," Hanji sat back on their heels.

"Where am I?" He asked.

Levi stood up surprisingly easily and took a look at his leg. No metal rods or screws in sight. He held his hand up in front of his face and low and behold he had all of his fingers. Im dead. Levi thought to himself looking at Hanji who had two perfectly good eyes once again. His question when ignored when Hanji sprung up, grabbing onto his arms.

"Erwin will be so happy to see you!!" They exclaimed.

"He's here?" Levi whispered.

"Come on!!" They tug on his arm, a bright smile on that beautiful face.

Levi didn't argue with Hanji. He only walked with them blindly, both Miche and Nan following behind hand and in hand. Levi remembered watching the two blondes fall in love, how well they had been at keeping their love inside. They had done better than Hanji and Molbit. Was Molbit here? Was his squad here? God had he missed the stupid brats Erwin had assigned him. As annoying as they were he loved all of them.

Hanji pulled him up the hill to the old oak tree where he saw them. Petra and Oluo were hanging from tree branches laughing. Eld and Gunther were sitting on the side of the hill, cutting apples with their knives. And sitting under that old tree were Molbit and Erwin. Molbit had a book in his hand and was pointing something out to Erwin who had a book of his own in his lap. They two looked up and Levi's breath caught in his throat once again when ocean blue eyes met his. His Commander looked just as he remembered him. Strong nose, bright ocean eyes, golden hair styled carefully, wide shoulders.

"Levi," Erwin whispered, eyes wide.

"Caption!" Petra exclaimed, falling off the branch.

"Tch clumsy as ever." He rolled his eyes.

She threw herself at him, knocking him over. He let out a grunt but didn't scold her for taking him down. He only hugged her back, taking in the smell of honey and roses. Eld and Gunther smiled at him from where they were sitting and Oluo nodded from his place still on the branch.

"You're suffocating me Ral," Levi snapped

Petra let go of him and smiled sheepishly, extending her hand to help him up. He took her hand and she pulled him back to his feet. Levi let himself get a good look at the younger woman. Her red hair was just as bright as he remembered, her eyes still sparkled with passion.

"We've been waiting for you Caption." The redhead tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"It's good to see you Caption." Molbit nodded from his place sitting under the tree.

Levi looked to Erwin then. His Commander who stares at him with wide eyes. It was almost like the blonde didn't believe that Levi was standing in front of him. Levi watched as his lover stood up and carefully took a step forward, a hand reached out. He looked uncertain of his actions. Instantly reach Levi took Erwin's hand. Those strong arms enveloped him within seconds and Levi sobbed, his knees giving out. The Commander slid to the ground with him, holding their bodies so tightly together.

"Erwin." Levi gripped his lover's shirt, pressing his face against the warm skin of the blonde's neck.

"I love you, "Was the blonde's response as he pressed a hard kiss against Levi's hair. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

Levi gripped Erwin's shirt tighter in his hands, sobbing once again. He had waited for so long to hear those words come from his lover's mouth. He had waited too long to be wrapped up in Erwin's embrace. He had kept his promise to his lover and he had killed Zeke and then per Erwin's request, he had lived. He traveled with the brats and lived long enough to hold grandchildren. Now he knew that he could rest easy and never have to worry again. Life for Levi would forever be perfect. His lover was here and real and breathing. His friends were around him, laughing and arguing.

Levi looked up at Erwin and smiled, something he hadn't done in so long. Erwin smiled back and his hands cupped his cheeks and wiped away the tears. Erwin's voice filled his ears, his chest rising and falling under Levi's hands. Lev kissed his lover over and over and over again. He ran his hands through Erwin's blonde hair, remembering all over again how good the silky strains felt against his fingers.

"I kept my promise." He murmured against the Commander's lips. "I killed Zeke and I lived."

Erwin kissed him once more, an arm wrapping around Levi's waist while the other tangled in Levi's hair.

"I am so proud of you." The commander mumbled, pressing a soft kiss against Levi's neck.

Levi let out a laugh then, a real laugh, and wrapped his arms around his lover, kissing his lips one last time. He looked at the friends that surrounded them. Hanji and Miche messing around with each other, Molbit and Nan talking about drinking well into tomorrow. Petra teased Oluo while Eld and Gunther laughed at the two flirting. For the first time in the longest time, Levi felt at peace. He felt at home here with the people he cared about the most.

"Welcome home Lee," Erwin whispered into his ear.

"I love you," Levi smiled.

"Heyyy what about me!?!" Hanji pouted.

Levi laughed and looked at his friend nodding his head, "Yeah I love you too four-eyes."

"Group hug!" Hanji exclaimed.

"Han-" Erwin started but it was too late.

Levi and his lover were knocked to the ground by Hanji and Miche followed along by Nan and Molbit. Erwin and Miche's laughter filled the air along with Molbit muttering that he needed a drink. Nan just laughed and tried to squirm away from the heavy bodies on top of her. And Levi cursed out

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