Part 2 - Why Zayn left 1D

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Oke hear we go

So after the bus ride we got to Paris (Which is the capitol of briton if u didnt kno) and we were going to perform our new song called "Eugine you are my baby" (Eugine is my name btw) and it was about... me! Because 1D loved me and they were all mad about me. and they wanted to kiss me opn stage but then i saw someone in the crowd and guess who it was it was jordie my bffl and i was like 'omg jordie' and he (or she i forgot lolz) said omg eugine and because we were bffl's we wear so shoked and then zayn was like hey wot ar u doing and i was like oh i was just saying hi to my bffl jordie and he was like come with me and so we went back stage and he was like i don't like the way all of 1D likes you and i want to be the only one to love u and i was like ok so he was like so lets move to dubai and start a new life and i was like ok and so he quit 1D just for me!

and so we went to dubai and there was this big standstorm but that down't matter and then there was all these people in suits and they were like um excuse me what are you doing in dubai and we were like well we came to live here. and then the freaking king of dubai was there and he looked TOTAL classy and he was wearing a suit and sunnies and he was like so you wnat to live here and we were like oh yes Tully, king of dubai and he was like ok but you have to past the test and we wsere like what test and he was like what is 5SOS's best song and we were like lol 5SOS sucks and he was like ok good welcome to dubai and we got this super tall skyscraper and there were people around everywhere and they were like army people but in suits and then we were walking around and then there was a giant tv and there were guards and stuff and it was amaze ballz!

So I was talking to tully the king of dubai and i was like 'ok so who exactly are you' and he was like 'I am the alpha and the omega. I am the king. the king of dubai.' and i was like 'lol i didn't even know dubai had a king' and he was like 'i am the KING' and i was like wow ok then and he was like 'how dare you defy me' and he said 'guards lock her and her husband up' and so we were in a jail in dubai

4 days later

After being stuck in the jail with Zayn for 4 days Tully the King of Dubai came down and he said 'get up' to zayn and so zayn got up and tully was like 'look at you. you are not even good and being a total hottie' and he turned to me and said 'he is a bitter little man. you dont deserve him' and he then left and we were in jail again. but then zayn had a plan it was becasuse i am a turtle (which was mentioned in the previous story). Turtles have a shell, and using the shell, I managed to break down the lock on the door. Quickly, but quietly, Zayn and I crept through the dungeon, seeing many people tapped in their cages. I even saw Jeremy Clarckson trapped. As we got to the top of the building, Tully was waiting for us. "You fools!" He exclaimed. "You thought I would just let you walk out of here? Fat chance! Guards, fire at will!" The guards aimed their weapons at me, and fired. All of a sudden, Zayn jumped infront of me to block the blow, and he died for me. "Run, my sweetheart..." he mumbled as his body went cold. I managed to build up my strength, and I ran to the edge of the skyscraper, dodging bullets left right and center. I took a massive breath and jumped off the building, seeing there was no way out. I heard Tully, the king of Dubai, scream "Get me my diamond helicopter!" After falling, I landed safely on a flying Jet! I looked at the window and it was...

Find out next time!

<3 I will post part 3 soon you just have to wait!

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