The Footage!

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"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!" Peter landed on a rooftop next to his house. "I can't believe that just happened! It was so cool! But also very dangerous and I shouldn't have gone." Peter paced back and forth across the roof with his hand on his chin. "I need to tell Ned about this."


"You what!?" Ned exclaimed. He was now sitting on Peter's bottom bunk.

"I broke into Avengers tower and fought with the Avengers." Peter let go of the ceiling and landed graciously on the floor before walking over to Ned.

"That is so cool man! I can't believe it. My best friend fought the Avengers!" Ned exclaimed.

"Shhhh!" Peter held his hand up to his mouth. "We have to be quiet, I don't want Aunt May hearing about this." Peter whisper yelled.

"Man, you still haven't told her?"

Peter spun around. "Are you kidding me, of course not. If she found out about all this I would be grounded until I'm 30." He ran his hands down his face and fell back into his chair at his desk.

"Okay man, it's your call. But also, What were the Avengers like!?" Ned quickly got back on track, his excitement showing through.

"Well, I didn't meet them for that long. I mean the most conversation I got was with Mr. Stark and he was holding a repulser to my head." Ned's eyes lit up just a bit more. Peter chuckled. "They were a lot like how I imagined them, even though they were in casual clothing. They were also ready to fight me at any second."

"It was kinda funny." Peter continued. "After I escaped Stark through the vents I jumped out landing on the counter of their kitchen, right in front of Falcon! You should have seen the look on his face. He was so surprised." Peter laughed.

"Dude you need to bring me along next time," Ned said excitedly.

"Ned, there won't be a next time if I can help it."

"Aww come on. You have to see them again, maybe they will even let you become an Avenger yourself!" Ned exclaimed.

"I doubt they would make the teenager who broke into their home and beat them up become an Avenger."

"It worked for ant-man didn't it?" Ned asked.

Peter laughed. "I guess it did." He pulled his mask out of his pocket and looked at it in his hand. "Maybe I will come across them again but I hope it is not for a while."

"Maybe," Ned said. "Oh wait, you got rid of the footage right?"

Peter just about fell out of his chair. "The footage!" Petter panicked. "I can't believe I forgot about the footage! What am I going to do, what if they go into the cameras and see me dropping it on our field trip? Surely then they would know it is me."

"Maybe they will think Flash is Spider-man." Ned offered. Peter looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, maybe not. But you could say that you were just picking it up for your friend Peter who lost it on a field trip."

"Right, and then they would ask why 'Peter' wouldn't just come to the tower ask for it back himelsef."

"It was... sentimental?" Ned suggested.

Peter fell back in his chair with his hands over his face. "I'm screwed." He groaned into his hands.

"Don't worry, maybe they won't even look at the footage." Ned waved him off. There was then a ping from Ned's phone. "Crap. Sorry man, I've got to go." He stood up.

"You're leaving during my teenage superhero crisis?"

"Sorry Peter, my mom needs me home quick, it's important." He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much, I am sure you will be fine."

Peter sighed and stood up. "See you at school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course. Just don't get kidnapped by some angry Avengers while I am gone." Peter looked at him with a 'really?' look on his face. "-Sorry."

Peter chuckled. "It's fine. This will work itself out." He and Ned both did an intricate handshake before Ned left his room and out the front door. Peter could hear him saying bye to Aunt May.


For the next two hours Peter sat in his room looking through all of the articles he could find on the Avengers, There weren't many that he hadn't already read but it was worth a shot. He would have to know all he could if the 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' were about to come knocking down his door.

Peter leaned back in his chair running his hand down his face with a sigh, how in the world is he going to figure this one out? He had no ideas. His only hope now would be if they didn't check the footage of the felid trip.

Suddenly he heard knocking at their front door, Peter was about to go up and get it but he heard his Aunt get there first. After a couple of seconds, he heard her call out to him. "Peter it's for you!"

Peter raised an eyebrow and got up slowly from his chair. "Ned didn't come back already had he?" He opened his door and walked into the living room of their apartment. And when he looked up to see who it was he froze.

"Peter." Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, stepped forward with a smirk on his face. "How would you like to hear about our internship program?"



Thanks so much to everyone who read and commented on this story! I love you all so much and just wish I had finished this story sooner. Sorry I just got caught up with my other stories and left this one hanging for so long. I hope you liked it and I would love to hear what you thought! :D

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