We Can Never Be More

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Cheryl was shocked- scratch that- she was far from shocked. She even felt the need to rub her eyes, just to be sure that she isn't seeing things from the joint she and Kevin shared before coming into the club; even the loud music that was blasting through her body, now fading away in her ears. Cheryl felt like fainting because Toni was there. Right there. A few feet away from Cheryl's reach. Toni with her long pink curly hair; with her black high heels making her legs look so incredibly long; with her long delicate fingers; with her black tight dress that was just hugging her curves so good; with her sharp jawline that could cut right through her heart; with her soft smile and warm eyes-

Toni who still hasn't seen her, but was firmly holding Fangs's hand. And let me tell you; Cheryl never felt so many emotions at once. But most of all she hated it, she hated the stupid smiles on their faces as they joined the small group of friends; Cheryl's friends.
Even though Fangs has recently started hanging out with them, he was a good friend of Veronica's. Nobody minded too, he was a good company and a good guy for sure. Cheryl wasn't even sure when he made his way into their group, but one day he was there and nobody minded.

But Cheryl hated it now, she could feel her blood freeze and then boil in her body. Fangs with his stupid white t-shirt and jeans; with his curly hair and his stupid height; Fangs with his perfect white teeth and jawline; Fangs with his warm eyes and open heart; Fangs with his stupid new girlfriend that he was supposed to introduce to his friends tonight. He was everything Cheryl could never be, in fact, they were like two sides of the same coin; so opposite but so alike. And that's why Cheryl could just feel it in the pit of her stomach, the raw emotion of jealousy and hatred; she could almost taste it in her mouth.

Cheryl brought her drink to her lips taking a big sip; the alcohol burning its way down her body making her squeeze her eyes shut and gasp at the strong liquid. When she opened them she was met with chocolate orbs and very very surprised and maybe panicked Toni.

It was evident all over her face, Toni was shocked as much as her. But with Fangs's hand on her waist and the way he guided her to move and meet the rest of his friends-
They were coming Cheryl's way.

"Toni, this is Kevin-" Fangs shouted over the music and pointed at the tall boy next to Cheryl.

"Nice to meet you," Kevin had replied and smiled at the shorter girl.


"And at last but not least, this is Cheryl!" the serpent motioned at the redheaded girl.

And yeah, Cheryl definitely felt like fainting; maybe it was the joint, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was Toni.

"Nice to meet you, Cheryl." Toni's eyes spoke it all. Cheryl knew they were playing a dangerous game right now and she wasn't really in the mood to tell all of her friends that she already knew Toni; or about all the ways she knew the shorter girl. So she played along. Pretending that nothing has happened was always the easier choice anyway.

"You too," Cheryl simply nodded, and before anything else can happen Fangs was dragging his girlfriend towards the bar.

The redheaded girl could feel the bitterness on her tongue as she watched them walk away. She wasn't ready to see Toni. Not after everything, not yet. Maybe she was never going to be ready for that. Because suddenly it all came back and she felt like drowning in emotions. It frustrated her how much Toni affected her right now, after all this time.

"Okay, what the fuck was that about?" Kevin had bend a little to shout next to Cheryl's ear over the loud music.

"What do you mean?" Cheryl frowned at him taking another sip of her drink, completely oblivious of her staring.

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