adore's birthday

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Adore pov

It was my birthday, and Bianca had come to help me set up the party. It wasn't going to be a big party, but it wasn't a small one either. I have been in love with Bianca since I saw her walk into the werk room when both groups were put together.  The whole time we were supposed to be decorating and setting up for the party, I kept staring at her. The way she creased her brows and slightly stuck her tongue out when she was focusing, the way she was slightly swaying to the music, and how the sunlight was hitting her. Everything about her is s beautiful. " Delano. I know it's your birthday and all but this is also your party so stop ogling and help me set up your party." I cleared my throat embarrassed that she had caught me staring  " S-sory. I w-was um distracted." She just rolls her eyes, thankfully not seeing my nervous blush.

Three hours later we were finally done which was perfect because people were on their way now. The first people that arrived were Trixie and Katya, they brought the booze even though me and Katya don't drink. After those two came Joslyn, Violet, Pearl, Alyssa, Shangela, Trinity, and Courtney. I invited Laganja and Dela but they're on tour together right now so they couldn't make it.  We ate pizza, played some games, watched tv, and smoked. Everyone was having a good time but left around 3 in the morning because it was getting late. " Happy birthday Adore and have fun with Bianca." Trixie and Katya said before they left. They were the only ones who knew how I felt. Well everyone knew since it was pretty obvious but they were the only ones I told.  " Thanks but nothing is going to happen. Drive safe." After they left it was just us. Bianca decided earlier that she was going to stay the night and help me clean up in the morning. I was sitting down daydreaming on what it'd be like to have her here evrynight, what it'd be like for her to live here and spend the night in my arms, to wake up to each other. I'm interrupted from my daydream when I feel someone shaking me. I look over and see it's Bianca who had a slightly worried look. " Adore, I was calling your name for the past ten minuets. What's going on with you?" " Nothing, I just smoked too much." I lied hoping she didn't catch on but I wasn't that lucky. " Bullshit, I've seen you smoke way more and be totally alert so what's going on?" She asked in a softer tone. " Nothing just tired I guess." Bianca definitely didn't believe me but thankfully let it go.

After we showered talked some more we turned on a cheesy movie and cuddled on the couch. Cuddling wasn't new to us we did it everytime we had a movie night but for some reason this felt different. More intimate. I looked over at Bianca and seen her focusing on the tv. " Adore, what's going on with you and don't say nothing. I've known you long enough to know that something's wrong." Her voice then got quiet as if she was scared of what she was going to say. " Did I do something wrong?" It broke my heart to see her like that genuinely upset thinking she did something to hurt my feelings. " No. You didn't do anything I'm just...Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurts but you know you can't have it? Do you know the pain that causes? It hurts so bad inside it becomes physical pain. You can't think of anything else, and everytime you try to forget it just gets worse." She just looked at me with no emotion whatsoever on her face. " So I'm assuming you haven't based on the look on your face." " Sorry I um blanked out. I have, it sucks to know what you want more than anything in the world is right there in front of you and you can't have it." The way she looked into my eyes I could have swore she was talking about me but deep down I knew I was just being delusional there's no way she could feel the same way about me. I don't know why but I started to cry which alarmed Bianca because she didn't know exactly what I was crying over. " Adore it's okay come here." She held me in her arms while I ruined her shirt with tears until I finally drifted off to sleep. I figured once I fell asleep she'd let go of me but instead I spent the entire night in her arms.

In the morning when we woke up we didn't speak nobody knew what to say to each other so we just cleaned in awkward silence. Once we were done cleaning two hours later, we still didn't speak. I wonder if I scared her off somehow or if she knows what I want more than anything in the world. I guess I'd never know because everytime Bianca looks at me she would get nervous and quickly look away.

" Adore can you come sit down? I have to tell you something." Shit, somehow I embarrassed myself in front of her last night but as she requested I sat down. " What is it B?" I asked trying not to sound nervous but failing miserably. Then the unexpected happened. She kissed me, I froze at first trying to comprehend what was going on then melted into her. After letting out a soft moan she bit my bottom lip causing me to gasp and slip her tongue in. The only reason we pulled away was to catch our breath. " Adore, I'm in love with you I have been since season 6. You're everything to me and seeing you cry hurt more than anything. I just want to make you feel happy, loved, and safe. I'd never hurt you and I understand if you don't feel the same way. We can still be friends and forget everything I just said." " Shut up and kiss me."

Three years later:
Today is the day we're supposed to get married and it should be an exciting day but I'm a nervous wreck. What is he doesn't show? What if he says I don't at the alter? What is he doesn't love me? All my worries go away when I get a text saying ' don't panic baby I'm waiting at the altar for you.'

The wedding went great and I knew for sure that no matter what we'd spend the rest of our lives together

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