Making plans

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Hellooo my fellow peeps I am so sorry that I haven't been updating in a while but ummm just some more school stuff🚶🏾‍♀️..OK ENOUGH TALKING BACK TOO THE STORY!


Arthur's POV:

Tony got dress and get ready for school. He wore Ripped jeans and a hoodie with weird markings on it. He went to his mom's room asked "Hey mom when will they go to school, cause can I show them around." He smiled. "Well......hmmm......ummm soon maybe but give them time alright." She said a little worried. "Alright"


Tony's POV:

I finally made it to school. I was calmly waking to my locker until I someone swung me around, of course it was mark "Yooooo! Prince did you here about the Aliens,brooo" I rolled my eyes and dragged him to the restroom.
He gave me a worried look,
"ok you normally don't act like this. Dude you ok or-"

I cut Him off saying "Those 'Aliens' are my cousins and ther-" "EXUUUUUSE ME......WHAT HO-" I him off again by putting my hands on his mouth and scold him. I sigh "Their coming to school and your going to help me show them around...BUT tell Anyone I mean ANYONE you......Are......DEAD." I age him a look meaning I meant it. I took my hands off his mouth "ok we good?" He nodded and we both left the restroom

"Hey Sam I'll be back just hold on" "sure we have Art today"he yelled and walked off to class. Of course I walked to the office to talk to the principal about some thing "Hi can I talk to Mr. White about please it's something important I want to speak about." I said a little worried. The staff nodded and called Principal White to the office. "Ok" That all Heard for the radio. "He's on his way." I gave a small smile as I sat down on the chair.

•2 minutes later•

He walked in "hey kiddo what seems to be the problem" I gave him a concern look.

•**+Time skip+**•

"Hmmmmm I see, welp I have nothing to say on this, but I can have you write a script so they can come to this school" He said as he handed me the transcript. "I have one question what their last and middle name?" "Life Star smith Universe" I said. Principal White eyes wide a bit "Hmmmm I heard that name before but where? OH I was friends with this girl named Aurora Star Smith but she did say that she won't be coming back for some reason" He said a little sad "Well her kids will be coming here soon" I said staring down at the floor. "Ok...I will write you a slip for your next class"


Sam's POV:

I heard the bell ring...So I got up went to my next class and I saw Tony catching up to me "Heyyyy I'm back. So I told him a about it and he said ok" He said with with a smile. I chuckled at his at his smile. We go to class and sat next to each other. I felt some in my hair, So I moved my hand so I can get it out. It was....gum? I started to here laughing. I decided to turn around to see who it was. And of course.......It was scott Western, The dude was an asshole.

"Awww are you gotta cry" he mockingly said

I plainly round my eyes and turned back around. I looked at Tony and he seems to be worried about something. I decided to tap him on the should. "Hey what's wrong, you seem to worried about someone" I whisper while leaning over to him "Yes very" "what i-" I was cut off my the teacher "Is there a problem gentlemen?" "No ma'am" we both said at the same time.

•+*%Timeskip to lunch %*+•

Author's POV:

Sam and Tony went to a random lunch table and sat there. Until another friend of a friend came Along. They both felt a tap on the shoulder. They both turn around and saw a boy with all shades on pink and a lot bandages, also wear a black caller with a black jacket and pants [ So this OC came from somebody I know BabyWeeblvl3 ]

 They both turn around and saw a boy with all shades on pink and a lot bandages, also wear a black caller with a black jacket and pants [ So this OC came from somebody I know BabyWeeblvl3 ]

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They saw Valentine. They both was so happy "what IS UPPPP Valentine" They said a the same time. Valentine hugged them and sat down. But they told him the situation that their in and that Tony's cousin will be here soon. "Hmmm.....well that does sound like a crisis, watch out for Grace and her gang" "Also Scott too" Sam said with a concern look. "How well do they know English??" "Very well" Tony said happily.


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