Chapter 8

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Crushed, demolished, destroyed.

The house his mortal form had spent so hard and long, building with his wife. Proud and happy. A house they both cherished together with the intentions of growing together, starting a family, and growing old together.

Clenching his knuckles and with a swish of his coattails, he left the ruined home behind. He spent the next few days, asking around for information and searching for his wife. No stone was left unturned in his waking path. Perhaps his rage as Morax was beginning to return again.

It was true, he had no intention of falling in love once he had taken over his mortal form. As time began to pass, the more and more time he had spent with her, he had fallen for her just as his mortal form had. He loved her just as much as his mortal form did and he had no intention of letting her abductors go unscathed.

After three months, Zhongli was finally able to pin her location down with the help of the Yaksha, Xiao's, help. Standing on the cliff, facing the borderline of Mondstadt and Liyue, the two immortals stared down at the camp down below.

He was so close to calling for Barbatos if they had taken her further away.

"Shall I-?"

"No. Just make sure no stragglers attempt to flee."

The Yaksha watched the former Archon strut towards the camp of the Treasure Hoarders, summoning his polearm as he walked. It may not look like it but the Archon was seething to the teeth. Anger radiating off of him, enough for him to burst.

By Archons, Morax will not let them live. Whether it be here or when they pass.

And Xiao was correct. The cries of help and yelling rang throughout the mountains of Liyue. Some prayed for Xiao to save them. Despite their cries for help, Xiao stood still, knowing Morax's wrath was not a force to be reckoned with, even with his contract with Morax.

Xiao looked away from the screaming, turning his back to them. Morax will pardon this, just this once. Surely he will.

Descending from his place, Xiao entered the camp once it has been cleared. Bodies of Treasure Hoarders guided him to where Zhongli knelt by his unconscious wife's side.

"Is she well?"

Zhongli pulled his hand away from her pulse point and his shoulders relaxed.

"She's alive. Some cuts and bruises but no major injuries."

For an Archon to care this much for a human? She truly must be special and wonderful enough to have captured Morax's heart.

Gently picking up her body, Zhongli started to carry her away from camp.

"Thank you, Xiao. You may go."

Xiao bowed and disappeared into the night. Looking down at his wife, Zhongli tucked her head under his chin and returned to Liyue Harbor. Rather, to Wangshu Inn. Until the house has been rebuilt, the inn will have to suffice. Unless...

Zhongli stopped walking and turned on his heels.

She will be much safer there. gives me a chance to tell her the truth about myself.

The next time Y/n had opened her eyes, she frowned. She was no longer in a cage like she had expected to wake up to. Her nose crinkled, a waft of old books, paper, and tea caught her attention.


She sat up straight. As soon as she did, the world spun around her.

"Darling, you must be careful."

Hands caught her shoulders and gently lowered her back down to the soft bed under her.

"Zhongli?" She whispered. "W-where are we? H-how did I get here?"

He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"I will explain everything soon, darling. Just rest for now."

And he kept his promise. After a few more days of recovering, Zhongli had sat his wife down and explained to her who he was.

"Morax," Y/n whispered. "I've been married to Morax for this whole time?"

"No, darling. You did marry the man you had been with for many years. I was simply reborn as him."

Y/n stared down at her cup of tea, hands clenching around it. Zhongli reached out then pulled his hand away, unsure if she would want his touch.

The teacup clattered causing Zhongli to flinch, a sudden impact forcing him back and to lose his footing.

"Morax or no, Zhongli or no, it doesn't matter!" She exclaimed, arms tightening around his waist. "We've been together for this long, you've loved me for this long, and you didn't leave me as soon as you were reborn! You stayed! You chose to stay with me! And I have no intention of letting you go! Not until I grow old and pass! Even then, I'll come back! I'll find a way back! Somehow I'll find you again in my next life! I don't know how but I will!"

His eyes widened at her declaration then slowly softened. His arms went around her, tightly squeezing her to him.

"I will be keeping your word, darling."

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