Buried Feelings

898 43 50

Error POV

Holding hands-




Who are they?

"I love you"-




Why are they here?


Watching the stars-



What do they have to do with me?





My sockets flew open. What the hell was that? I looked up. [E/C] eyes stared back down. I shot up screaming. "AaAaAaAa-AaAaAaHh!" She was touching me, she was touching me, she was touching me- "Master.. are you alright?" I didn't crash. Why didn't I crash? I looked over to her and scoffed. "i-i a-m fi-ine."
"You were screaming." She pointed out. "i-it wa-s no-oth-ing." Stop poking into my business. "Are you still mad?" Mad? About- oh right. That. "n-no." She'd caught me off guard with the 'best friend' thing. I didn't want to be her best friend though.. because in the end, I was just going to lose her anyway. I tisked. It's not like I CARE about her or anything. She's just a tool to keep me company. -sure that's what it is- shut up! Stupid soul. She seemed relieved that I wasn't mad. "Master, do I have an imagination?" Where did that come from? "i-i do-n-t kno-ow."


I was making another doll. Why not make another doll? -make her something- No. "Master?"
"wh-at no-w-w?"
"What is the purpose of the code?" I glanced up at her. She was holding her arm. "i-it-s ju-ust my m-ma-ag-gi-ic ho-old-ing you-r-r fo-orm." I concentrated back on my work. "Can I try. I looked up at her. At her -pretty, innocent doe- eyes. Stop it. -let her- "n-o." She pouted. -it's cute- no it's not. "fi-ne. c-come her-re." I put the doll down and handed her my needles. "w-what do yo-u wa-nt to ma-a-ake?" She scurried over. "What do you want?" -your heart- no. "uhH.. n-new gl-loves.. i g-gue-e-e-ess.."
"Then I'll make that." She replied. -awe so sweet- if i didn't need you, i'd crush you. Why is my soul acting up? It's been dead of emotion for years. "o-ok ch-oo-se you-r co-l-lors." She looked me up and down before picking out blue, red, and yellow. "What next?"


Under my careful watch, she made the gloves. She was a fast learner. -so proud- not. Stupid soul, stupid feelings. I'm a destroyer. I don't do feelings. -now you do- NO I DON'T! They will crush me, kill me, leave me for dead. I'm petter off with L.O.V.E not love. I don't love. I CAN'T LOVE! Pesky, annoying soul. It's better to leave those sorts of things buried. "Done!" She proudly presented the pair. My cheeks heated up. -so cute! so talented!- "Master? Do you have a fever?" I cleared my nonexistent throat and looked away. "n-no.. i-i-m fi-ine.." I took off my torn pair and tried on the new ones. They fit perfectly. How did they fit perfectly? "How do you like them?" -i'll cherish them forever- "th-ey wil-l d-do." She smiled brightly. -like the sun- like this hellhole. "You look annoyed."
"i-i am a-nn-oy-ed." She looked down. "I'll be quiet now." -noooooooo- "d-don-t! yo-u ha-ve be-en list-eni-ing to ni-ight-mare. t-tell me a-a sto-ory." To make my soul shut up.


The bird was falling, once free, now hurt. Lost. Before the bird could die, a boy caught it in his hands. The bird was scared, the boy knew that, but he would help it get better. He took the scared little bird home. Weeks went by and the boy nursed the bird back to health. In this time the bird grew to love the boy, so much so, that when it was time to be free, it refused to fly. So the boy kept the bird and loved it. One day someone broke into the house with every intention of harming the boy, but the bird would not allow it. She sacrificed herself for the boy.


"th-the he-ll kin-d of st-tory is th-that? d-did the b-boy e-ve-n sur-rvive?" -so familiar- not really. "He did. The man was dealt with accordingly, but the bird.. well she could still be around." She shrugged. "That's all I could think of for a story." I crossed my arms, glitching. "y-our st-ories s-suck." She gave an apologetic smile. "I will work on them, Master."
"e-erro-or.. ca-ll me er-ror." Her smile widened. "Ok, Error."

Error and his Outcode (Error X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now