Regaining What was Lost

616 31 35

Your POV

The string hammock had been comfortable. The nap had been nice. Looking to Error, he was working on a jacket with the same color scheme as the hat, gloves, and scarf. "He's just making a whole set now, isn't he?" What was next? Boots? Snowpants? You nearly laughed. "Good morning, Error." You chirped. "g-oo-d mo-rn-ing, [Y-y/N]. ho-w w-as yo-ur na-p-p?" You smiled. "Comfortable." He rolled his eyelights. "n-nat-ura-lly." You slipped down one of his strings. "So full of yourself all of a sudden." You joked. "What changed?" You dropped his work, and approached. "y-you kn-ow wh-a-a-at dr-eam i ca-an ful-fill ri-igh-ght now?" He asked. Those words.. they were familiar. "Hm?" You hummed, trying to pick through your memories. What was that from again? "clo-se yo-ur e-y-es." You did so. Waterfall! That was right this happ- That's right! This happened in Waterfall, before he was Error! You would have gasped, if he hadn't been kissing you. "i lo-ve y-ou, ki-id.." You opened your eyes, smiling. "You remember.."


"it-s f-fu-nn-y re-all-y. ri-ght no-w, if w-we had-n-t fall-en, i-d be c-cla-ss-ic s-an-s." You nodded. "I'm sorry about that." He pulled you into his lap. "it wa-sn-t yo-u. don-t app-olo-gize." You leaned into his sternum. "Do you think Classic knows you are his future?" He shrugged. "h-e doe-sn-t ha-ve a pre-tty gir-l to ke-ee-ep h-im com-pan-y."
"Poor guy." Error chuckled, hugging you close. "i-m no-t sha-ring."
"Wouldn't want you to." You kissed his cheek. He nuzzled into your neck. "So, what next? You've regained what you'd lost." You asked. "th-e wa-y i se-ee it, we c-an do wh-at we wa-nt. so lo-ng as we ar-e to-geth-er."
"Not cheesy at all." You mused. "i li-ke chee-sy."
"Me too."

Annnnd cut. It's short, but it's meant to be. This as all I had for this story. They'll live their happily ever after for eternity until the multiverse collapse or maybe it never will, only you know. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


Error and his Outcode (Error X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now