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Arthit is really furious tonight. How can a first year junior have this much bravery to challenge his Head hazar that he will make him his wife. Arthit knew he played wrong with Kongpob first but that piece of little shit!! How could he say that infront of the whole first year students including his friends. He wanted to punch him hard. Still restrained himself that as senior if he does that he would get suspended.

The human being who loves to sleep & sleep is his second priority in life btw, his first is his pink milk. However he is now lacking of sleep cause all his thoughts are now occupied by a certain junior, 0062.

Arthit ruffled his head sitting up on the bed.
"Ohhh Lord Buddha can't I just have my peace of sleep in the night time?? I am seriously saying the next time I am going to have that Kongpob alone with me I am not letting him go that easily."

Again he tries to sleep but couldn't. After a hour or so, still thinking about Kongpob.
"Why is he like that? In future if we meet again after the university would he still be same or would he change?? Maybe future Kongpob atleast be a little good with me. Maturity gives people a lot good sides right? "

On the other hand_________

Where 10 years before Arthit couldn't sleep in the middle of the night 10 years after Arthit also couldn't.

Why?? Let's check their bedroom then. Shall we???
*Opens the bedroom door carefully as they can't find it out*

"Ahhhh Kong there ahhh you fuck ummhh"

"Arthit don't squeeze me like that. Argghh even after 4 rounds how can you still be tight ahh"

"Harder Kong harder ahhhhhhh"

"I am doing as hard as I could Arthit. You're being a slut this days."

"Only for you Kong."

"I know. Now let's change the position. "

Kong hold Arthit's nape & made him lie down on his chest. Again putting his thing inside him he started thrusting himself.

"Kong you feel so-ahhhhh great inside me."

Okay I gave you too much information.
*shuts the door carefully again*
Let's talk to them again when they're in their right mind.

After a hour______

*Tapping my feet on the ground. Looking at you*
Ohh you are still here. Naughty huh?!?!😏 Waiting for them to stop just like me?? Well, honestly I also don't want to stop them but the story must go on right? So...............

"Kong one more round?" Arthit asked as he straddled over a lying Kongpob.

"No we're not I am tired now let's do it in the morning again. We will have a quick shower sex then okay?"

"Baby please?" Arthit pouted his lips.

"Don't pout like that you know--"

"I know what is going to happen that is why I am doing this."

"I have a meeting at 11 a.m. Arthit."

"We still have so much time."

"No . I don't want to look like a zombie in the morning. My clients will fly away."

"No. They never will. You're company have a great reputation besides that you're always so handsome." Then Arthit pecked Kong's lips & lay down beside him.

"Okay okay. Your maybe right but we're going to have a big deal with MCG Company. It has to be good." Kong said as they hugged each other ready to sleep.

"MCG Company?? You mean that Emily Bitch is going to come again???" He asked titling his head up to look at Kong's face.

"Yeah she is also going to come maybe it's still not confirmed yet. & Please let's not call her Bitch."

"What should I call her then?? A woman who rubs her thighs on another engagged man what more praising word should she deserve to be called. Besides a bitch."

"Arthit that was a accident you know."

"I was there , Mr. Soon-to-be Rojnapat."
"I know Mr. Soon-to-be Sutthiluck."

Both giggled together resting their foreheads on each other.

"You know today I was thinking, time flies so fast right? It's like a day ago you just said to me, "I will make you my wife." infront of the whole hazing hall & now we are here today."

"Yeahhh. See I am man of words, what i say I do. Isn't it Wifey?" Kongpob asked smirking.
"Yes you did Mr. Soon-to-be Rojnapat. Also remember what you said about the morning & be your man of your words again."

"Okay okay Goodnight Arthit."
"Good night Kong."

A/N : Pack up!!!!!!!!
Soooooooooo?!?!? How is it? Tell me honestly in the comments. This story is going to be funny yet sad but also filled with lots of love. I will update after every three days later so stay tuned with me sweet hearts💖 Hope you will all like it.

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