Chapter 9~

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Spencer's POV:

God i'm so unprepared for this. Every time I go out it's either for a case, or someone from the team drags me somewhere to "have some fun for once." Am I dressed to formal? Am I not formal enough? She said this wasn't a date and I believed her. She clearly only saw me as an acquaintance. She displayed no visual or verbal signs of flirting or nervousness as if she had feelings for me. She didn't sweat or play with her hands as if she was afraid of rejection, nor did she use bold language that suggested she had romantic intentions. She was straightforward. She said what she meant and meant what she said, an admirable quality really. She merely wanted to apologize.

So why was I so nervous? If anything I should be worried about getting hit in the face again not whether a vest is too fancy.

I wasn't afraid of getting hurt again though. Although it hurt tremendously, she looked genuinely sorry. That and i've never met anyone willing to go this far for an apology.

I go downstairs to my car and pull out my phone. I send her a quick text letting her know that I am on my way and I stick my key in the ignition.

I find my way to the building remembering the address she gave me. Once I pull into the parking lot, I see a text that I got from her shortly after I left.

Octavia Delgado:
Same here. See you there.

I put my phone away and walk into the place. In the corner I see a clock. It's 5:58. Not bad. I figure that standing in the corner and waiting was a waste of two minutes so I get in line.

At 6:02 i'm two people away from the counter. I hear a breeze come in from the front of the room. I turn to see Octavia at the front of the room glancing around. I hold my hand up to try to get her attention and she looks my way and smiles. She walks over and I find it slightly weird not seeing her in scrubs. I was so used to it.

She wore black ripped skinny jeans, a dark red shirt, and an oversized jeans jacket. At this moment I do feel slightly overdressed. But at least we are both wearing converse shoes.

As she approaches me I take a moment to notice her facial features. Her light green eyes that contrast well with her light brown skin tone and her dark wavy hair. Her naturally long and curly eyelashes that bring out her eyes even more. She looks up at me and smiles again.

"Sorry i'm a little late. Some guy in a red honda civic cut me off and got me stuck behind this red light that felt like it lasted forever." She rolls her eyes at the thought but quickly brings the conversation back to a more light hearted mood. "But smart of you to get in line already. It looks long now."

She was right, it was almost out to the door now.

"Yeah, I figured standing and waiting was just too awkward."

She looks over to the menu. "You know what you're gonna get?"

"I was thinking just a coffee."

She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Maybe it's just the doctor in me, but coffee at 6?" She smirks as if to take the judgment out of her tone.

I can't help but nervously smile at her. "Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine." I scratch the back of my neck as she breaks into another smile. Her smiles are warm and contagious, I can't explain why but they are.

"You're just like my brother."

"You have a brother?"

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