Chapter 10~

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Third Person POV:

"Good, I like keeping people on their toes." She laughed and picked up her drink as Spencer playfully rolled his eyes. "But I wanna know more about being a profiler. What's it like?"

Spencer smiled, he loves talking about work. "Well, we travel a lot. We go to all around the country and even sometimes outside of the U.S. And it's stressful and a lot of work, but it's what I love to do. I will admit it's a lot of paperwork though."

"I didn't know profilers traveled."

"Local Police Department profilers don't, but federal agents get to."

"Does the bureau have to pay for every flight?"

"Not exactly, we have a jet."

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "What?! You guys are so lucky!"

"Yeah it's a pretty nice jet."

"Gloat much?" She said jokingly.

"You asked!" He raised his hands in defense and went to take another sip of his coffee. He went slowly as to not burn himself again.

"How are the taste buds?"

"Not fried." He set down the cup and smiled at her.

"Damn, it was really funny the first time." He looked at her slightly offended. "Don't give me that look, if you were me you would be saying the same thing."

"Whatever. So, how is the work of an obstetrician?"

"Well, I don't know if you remember, but that mother of triplets I had to run off so see when we last saw each other gave birth on my table."

"No way."

"Yup, little monsters wouldn't budge for 6 hours."

"6 hours? Really?"

"Yup. It was cool being able to be there during a birth again. I haven't really done much of that since working at the clinic."

"How come you don't work at a hospital?"

"I need less work hours. Family stuff." Although Octavia felt comfortable around Spencer so far, she didn't want to disclose anything about Alice yet in case he turned out to be creepy. "But eventually I want to get back to hospital work."

Spencer didn't want to pry, but he couldn't help but wonder. She didn't seem sad, so a family member wasn't sick. She didn't seem mad so it wasn't not family pressure. What was it?

"Well when you do get back i'm sure you'll be amazing."

"Oh I know." She whipped her hair playfully and crossed one leg over the other as Spencer raised his eyebrows.

"Gloat much?" He mocked.

"Touché Mr. Reid."

"Actually it's Dr." He said calmly. [👀]

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You didn't tell me you were a doctor."

"You didn't ask."

"Well now i'm asking, so answer."

He liked how forward she was. "Well, I have PhD's in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering."

"3 PhD's?" She asked with her eyes wide and her mouth agape.


"Well, anything else?" She asked jokingly.

"Bachelor degrees in psychology, sociology, and philosophy." She remained silent and in shock and he took notice. "Oh, you were kidding."

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