Surreptituosly In Love

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Title: Surreptituosly In Love
written by: K.V. De Rojo
Cover drawn by: A. A. Palma

The author wish to thank Ms. Ana Andrea S. Palma for her ideas and inputs that had contributed to the making of this fiction; as well for the author's mother for the tablet she used for typing. Most especially to the Almighty God for the ability to write.

This is a work of fiction. Names of characters, places, and certain events are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

No part of this file may be produced in whole or in part, or be distributed in any form by means of electronic mail, printing, photocopying, or otherwise, without the permission of the author.


"Love is the only gamble that I would bet in. And mind you, I'm willing to wager everything, as in everything!"


The sun glazed the earth warmly and sweetly making mankind rose felicitously to this new summer morning that they are blessed to experience. A brown little bird native to the Philippine archipelago twitted as its wing flipped merrily. The tranquil melody was the first sound that reached the ears of the 16 year old Edith Andriel Cruz as she detached herself from the world of slumber to return to the real world. Most people who knew her called her Andriel. A yawn escaped her lips as she slowly moved to a sitting position, dangling her feet as she stretch her arms upward. She hopped out of the bed and walk towards the comfort room just outside her room. As she entered the privy, a red oval mirror instantly caught her eye. She checked her appearance in the mirror. It revealed a teenage girl with almond shaped eyes framed with long lashes. Her irises were ebony with a tinged of hazel brown when it was lit with some light. A 2mm sized mole is placed at the 3/4 outer corner of her right eyes's canthus, a birthmark she had ever since she was just a naive child. Her nose was straight and perfectly sculpted. She assessed her pinkish lips which curved into a small smile. She was beautiful, yes. She had her mother to thank for that. Her mother was a star of some sorts during her younger years. But her stardom was easily snatched away from her when she fell in love with a young stuntman and got pregnant. Since then, she never stopped hoping to go back to show-business but no projects seemed to be available for her.
Andriel run her fingers to her waist long mane. It was naturally curly with a brown-black hue. She tied it in a loose bun with a red sanrio, open the faucet to wash her face and to gargle to rinse her mouth. After removing any signs of sleep from her face, the brunette took her eye glasses, which she finally bought after two months of saving money to buy it. She swiftly place it on top of her eyes, fixing it on the bridge of her nose. It is not multi coated so the lenses veiled her eyes whenever any beam of light come across its lenses. Her sight is now 200/20, due to her facination in reading books of different genres. She can be called a bookworm, although her mother was displeased with this. Well she is happy to have a smart daughter but, she wanted her to be an actress for crying out loud, so any imperfection is not acceptable especially if it is something like a deteriorating eyesight. Andriel sighed. She remembered how her parents had a major fight when she was only ten. Her stuntman of a father thought her his awkward fighting skills and told her to act as a temporary sparring partner for his father while he practice some of the scenes in an upcoming movie he is going to be a part of. Her mother saw them and horror instantly spread over her features. Her sweet little princess, the one who should act as the damsell in distress, is now fighting like the hero, a role ment only for a man. She instantly banter his stupid husband for doing such a abomination, corrupting the innocence of their child. Andriel snorted. That was the day she vowed she wouldn't do what her mother ask her to do. She is not going to be an actress! She is not going to be famous only to fall out of stardom again. She saw what the sudden lost of fame had done to her mother, surely she wouldn't want the same thing to happen to her. The brunette focused on her studies instead. Making sure she'll be a successful business woman, engineer or any profession that would ensure a stable future.
A sudden knock on the door put a halt on her musings. The door opened slightly and a brunette, who looked like a miniture version of herself, peak shyly at their privy.

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