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Location: St. Mungo

3rd pov:

It's July 31, 1980 the night is warm. In one room a women is screaming giving birth. In the waiting room three males waiting for there 1 of their bestfriend and his wife to give birth there twin sons. Lily Potter is the woman heard screaming. As she been in labor for a few hours. Standing by her bed is Jameson Potter her husband.


James-*pales at her comment and winces in pain as his wife crushes his had while in labor*

Doctor-"Almost there Mrs.Potter just a few more pushes and your first born will be out"


Doctor-"keep pushing Mrs.Potter that's it I see the head come on almost the first born is almost out"

The Doctor keeps encouraging Lily to keep pushing which she does making her first born come out screaming. The doctor takes the first born after cutting his umbilical cord he hands him off to a nurse. Lily pants trying to catch her breathe after a bit it was time for her to push her second son.

Doctor-"Alright Mrs.Potter let's get you second son out"

Timeskip after the birth

After the birth of the youngest we see the new parent's Lily and James Potter each holding there sleeping sons. In the arms of James sleeps there eldest who looks so much like his father with his light tan which is only a few shades lighter then James hazel eyes messy wavy hair that the Potters are known for but instead of it being dark brown like James his hair is fiery red like his mom's. Now while the eldest is a blend of both Lily and James but with more traits of James there youngest is an adsacly copy of James from his tan to his hair but instead of James Hazel eyes they were green like Lily's. As they hold there sleeping sons they are coming up with names while the three men from the waiting room are now in the room with the family. The three men have been friends with the Potter's for years these three names are Sirius Black,Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

James-"It's settled our eldest shall be named Charles Edward Potter jr. after my late father."

Sirius-"What of the youngest"

Lily-"We chose to name him Harrison Jameson Potter. Also James and I decided to name you Sirius and Remeus as both our sons godfathers should anything were to happen to us we want you two to raise both our sons."

Holloween 1981 at Godric Hollow

The Potters been in hiding for 3 months now. A dark wizard searches for them reasons being because one of there children may be the child of prophecy. The reason it is maybe because there is another family in hiding who son may be the child of prophecy who are also in hiding. Standing outside the Potters safe house is a man in a black cloak with his hood up. This man was not very ordinary looking from his looks to his demeanor he just screams dangerous and evil. This man is bald and a greenish pale scaly skin with no nose he looks part snake his eyes are cinnamon red.

This man stands outside the Potters safe house is the same man they are hiding from. The man is someone who's name alone brings fear to people. This man is the darkest wizard of his time has blood of hundreds already on his hands. His name is Voldemort. Voldemort walks gracefully to the house with his long cloak he seems to be gliding across the ground like he is levitating.

In the house

Around this time in side the home James stands wand pointed at the door panicking. He looks to his wife looking scare.

James-"lily go to the boys use the port key to get you all out here Peter betrayed us."

Lily-"I won't leave you"

James-"go I will hold him off contact Dumbledore"

James kissed Lily forehead telling her to go. Lily runs to the twins room she shut it she uses magic to barricade the door she then cast a patronus charm sending it to Dumbledore.
While back down stairs James is fight
Voldemort he is holding his own. Voldemort shoots a killer curse directly at James at this time James slips on the rug making the killing curse miss James continues to fall back his head hits the edge of a table knocking him out. When he fell Voldemort left to the stairs heading up to the twins room. If he bothered to check he would have realised James was unconscious not dead.
When upstairs he goes to the twins room. He blasts the door open Lily stands her wand drawn pointing at Voldemort. Not wanting to waist more time he shoots her with multiple spells Lily falls to ground unconscious. After that Voldemort walk to two cribs in the cribs both the twins were up the elder one Charles is sitting in his crib crying while the younger twin Harry stares calmly at him. Cinnamon red eyes meet killer curse green. Voldemort raises his wand pointing it at the youngest Potter as the green light leaves his wand heading towards young Harry. When the spell was about to hit something happens making it ricocheted back at him. The curse hits Voldemort square in the chest  causing a huge explosion taking the roof a scream of pain is heard when the blast is cleared  Voldemort is gone  Harry lays down sleeping  exhausted from letting out so much magic. Next to him in the other crib his older is crying  with a small  cut  in shape of a v on his left cheek. Charles  got his cut from falling debree. About this time Dumbledore came stormed in with James and others who are part of Order of Merlin. When they saw Lily  James rush to her side searching for a pulse he sighed in relief  when he found one. James cast a unparalyzing spell which Lily woke up as James helps her up Dumbledore walks over to the twins cribs he looks at the crying Charles he sees the fresh cut on his left cheek shaped like a V upon seeing it he turns to everyone announcing Charles Potter the boy who lived. Lily and James  hold there eldest son between them praising and cueing at him as the adults give Charles attention  Sirus and  Remus were concerned as they forgot about Harry. Little  did Albus know he made a huge mistake and if he had look closer he noticed the lightning  bolt  scar on Harry forehead behind his bangs. Harry continues to sleep unknown that because of  Dumbledore mistake will be the cause of Harry to be neglected for a few years.

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