2: Growing up Holmes

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"§Open§"- parselentogue
"Hello"-speaking different language

Harry pov:
After getting blood adopted  mom and  dad  found a flat in London  which we share  with cousin John. Growing up with my new family was interesting. Father had me play Clue but doing it his way  which made it more complicated  than it should have been  but with seeing how stressed out I  got mom  told dad if he is going  to be doing clue that way he had to teach me properly or not at all to which he listened. After watching him do it a couple of times I  tried  it and actually  did  it which as a reward for  doing it weather it be going out for ice cream or to do something I wanted. After a while dad gave me case files of cases he solved he had me read them  and solve them on my own. I went on actual cases with him sometimes at first seeing a dead body was nauseating  but after a bit I  was fine. I helped by  finding things in small  areas sense I was small  of course dad only let me go to crime scenes or help work on cases when he can garentee my safty  such as if he knows there's no danger or when the place is full of cops.

Of course  they made sure no one could get to me to use me as a hostage or something. If it seemed to dangerous I  would stay  at home with mom.With my Eidetic memory and completely mastered to the point of battle Occlumency I set my mindscape a special way for me to organize everything  in my mind. After unlocking  my eidetic memory I remember  many  locked memories  such like what truly happened  that night when Voldemort  attacked and the Potters abandoning me to other things that happened over the years. Over the years  I  am taught things of the wizard world  though I was not to learn or practice  magic as mom wanted me to wait till I go to Hogwarts. My mother taught me to cook and father taught me muggle science.  I  was taught  fencing  from father. I  continue  to  learn piano from Mrs.Figgs  who I  now call Gram over the years I also learned  martial arts and took dance. I learned to play guitar I recorded a few songs which made me some good money in muggle world.  I  went to normal  school.

I  made friends  with a fellow witch named  Hermione Granger when I was 8 when we met her family had alrwady met Dumbledore  before I  met Hermione he told the Grangers of Hermione  being a witch. I got to know her we told her of my past let's  say that the Potters  are no friends of Granger's and Dumbledore is not trusted by them. We found out that the Hermione  parents  both come from a long line of squips and  Hermione is heiress  to two ancient and noble houses thought to have died out. From her mother she is the heiress to the ancient and noble house  of Rosier and from her father side  she's  the heiress to the ancient and noble house of Granger. After find that out the Grangers  were taught  by mom the politics of wizard world, ways of pure-blood and half-blood, also taught Occlumency. We also took them to Gringottes  to claim her heiress titles.

Also over time we meet my  godfathers  that were chose by my biological  parents. It was a shock when Sirius Black and  Remus  Lupin found me. Apparently they went to school  with mother and father they told me how they never manage to prank my father. They had apparently  broke ties with  my birth parents when they abandoned me. They were searching for me but couldn't  find me as if some type of magic was blocking them. Dad then told them of how Dumbledore  had wards on the house that broke when I said that the Dursley  home was never a home to me and never would be. With that we spend time together  I told them what it was like living  with  the Dursley and  how I  am much happier  with my new mom and dad. They visit alot so much so that we just said how they should by one of the free flats next door. Which they did Mrs.Hudson was a sweet  woman gave them a good deal. The look on there  face was priceless  when they watch father teach me lock picking, handcuff escape  practicing, and when we  talk over old murder  case files it was so funny  how they  nearly fainted when I  told them that I  on multiple acations have gone  to a murder scene to help. Of course it took a bit to convince  them that  I  was safe and how mom and dad don't  let me if it seems to dangerous and  how dad's friend Inspector Lestrade always make certain that I am safe. We also made Sirius and Remus my godfathers again as my parents didn't  choose a godparent at the time and since my original godfathers  didn't agree to my birth parents choice mother and father  thought they be perfect godparents along with cousin John.

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