𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜𝗜;𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻

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November 2nd, 2021

   "Are you going to give me an 'I told you so' speech?" Dream asked his best friend who lay on the couch enjoying a show he'd been talking about lately, his fingers playing around with an old Rubik's cube he -ironically- couldn't even see because of his color blindness. The sky was almost as grey as George's thoughts even though he wouldn't admit to being miserable.

   "No, I knew it would happen, but it doesn't mean that I get to flail it out on you. I still got my hopes up though." He sat up, placing the Rubik's cube on the wooden side table in front of him, staring at it in defeat. He felt played by the many colors he imagined were beautiful and bright to Dream and wished for once he could see them as his best friend did.

   "I'm sorry." His sorrowful eyes daunted George. Dream awkwardly stood there with two flaming hot cups of tea in his hands. His fingers tensed at the burn he was about to get, so he quickly maneuvered his way around some cups and dirt from yesterday's birthday party and put the cups of tea on either side of the Rubik's cube.

   "Don't be," George told him, playfully leaning in on his shoulder. "You really surprised me yesterday." He couldn't help but smile while his head leaned on Dream's broad shoulder. He liked small moments like these where he cherished the vulnerability of his Floridian friend.

   "That's why it's called a surprise party." George felt the vibration from his voice on his cheek. It gave him a warm feeling as Dream laughed right after he noticed his friend was enjoying their friendly touch a little too much. George, however, didn't mind and switched his eyes from his friend to the TV screen. "Yeah, well, I'm also surprised about the amount of rubbish a person can leave behind at a party."

   "I'll clean it up, I swear. It's not even that much anyways." Dream said, knowing he was only trying to convince himself, but of course, it was more than he could handle.

   "Can you clean the basement while you're at it? My family left a big mess in there. You can keep anything you find interesting." George was never really much of a cleaner. He never tried to see the fun in cleaning his friend saw because he found it to be impossible to find anything amusing in cleaning non-recyclable, fruit fly attracting, and most importantly, disgusting piles of old waste.

   "Scrapes, yum," Dream said almost too seriously although he was excited about it. George's parents were interesting people with many hobbies, like kiting, or photography when they were younger. If George really meant he could keep anything he found to be likable or remotely interesting to him, he could develop a new hobby or two.

   "I didn't mean it like that." George rose from Dream's shoulder. He felt guilty for giving him hand-me-downs, but he knew half of the stuff in the basement wasn't even used or opened yet.

   "I was just joking. I would've ended up cleaning it anyways. I'm a huge neat freak." They both laughed at that, not finding any shame in an honest, but funny joke.

   "That you are," George finally said as a tear from laughter joined his cheek. He was slightly taken aback by the tears and the uncontrollable laughter, but it wasn't enough to make him stop enjoying his time with his best friend.

   "You remember what I told you yesterday?" Dream asked, his teeth meeting the marks of the damaged tissue of his cheeks. He knew his friend was going to have a huge reaction to what he had done for him, and the chance of it being good could be non-existent.

   "You told me a lot of things yesterday." George may have gotten a little drunk on his birthday, but the roles of sobriety and slight intoxication were exchanged between friends. It was Dream who acted like a wild animal at the party while sober while George was the quiet, observing drunk, wishing he was more like his best friend.

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