Chapter 2 - I Hate Flying For This Reason

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I've only been on an airplane three of four times, I find it hard to remember because it was so long ago. All of those times I hated it, I was always terrified of getting hit by lightning or one of those horror situations that's in the news every now and then. That's one way you can tell me and Eliza are sisters. The other resemblences are brown hair, dimples, tanned skin and rebellious attitude. Honestly thats all we have in common. Im three years younger then her now and almost as tall as her. I cannot emphasize how short Eliza is.


More thunder and turbulence to ruin my time. I looked over at my sister and saw her jump, it's pretty hilarious. I feel sorry for her though, she not only hates planes, shes also deathly afraid of thunder and lightning, which we were experiencing alot of. I was half expecting some thunder right there, guess not.

I quickly became aware of my twin brother, Tyler, snoring. He's a heavy sleeper so I have to hit him as hard as I can to wake him up. I look over at Eliza and see her snuggling up to Reuben. Eugh. I wriggle my shoulder to wake up Tyler. He looks so babyish when he's tired, you could mistake him for my baby brother, which technically he is because I came out first, I like to tease him about it.

He gives me his trademark 'what do you want' stare and I pointed over at Eliza and Reuben. He made a puking gesture and tried his best to not crack up laughing. Reuben is really nice, I just don't see what's so good about him it's like 'wow a guy'. Whats the big deal.

'Look at them, ewww.' Tyler said with a cringe.

Im glad we could both agree at how disgusting it is.

'Are they going to kiss?' I asked,

'Oh my god they are! Eugh.' I didn't want to look. Its just so weird seeing my  sister with another guy, mum and dad usually kept Eliza away from guys, why couldn't they do it this time.

'Awww yuck! Promise me you won't be like that Tay.'  Tyler said in obvious disgust.

I nodded my head in agreement. Im not sure why I find it weird but it just is, seeing my older sister be like this.
Tyler looked over at me and said,

'I think Liz is going too look around, hide or she'll eat your soul!'

His games are so silly, but really fun. Tyler has an amazing imagination. He'll make anything into a story, game, song and even a piece of art. Of couse I followed his lead and pretended to be asleep. He couldn't help but giggle while Eliza's gaze passed us.

I saw Tyler looking out the window. I like the window seats but I tend to get horrible flight sickness and I dont want to risk it.

'What's out there?' I asked inquisitively.

'Flying magical unicorns pooping out rainbows and exhaling happinesses.' He said as sarcastically as possible.

'Out of the way loser!' I said while shoving him out of the way. He didn't resist. I could beat him up anyday.

I looked outside the window and saw green hills densely pact with green trees all the way to the horizon. I swear i could even see a gigantic river. I grabbed a map from the seat and studied it closely. It  was either the Mississippi or the Missouri river. Hard to tell since they are both around the area.

'This is so boring.' I droned. I can't sleep on planes, it really puts me on edge.

I looked over at Tyler and he nodded in agreement. He doesn't mind planes, but he still has trouble getting a good sleep on them. Its a nice plane though, really comfortable, but still plagued with turbulence.

I don't like school. I'm good at school, one of the smartest, but I hate it. I prefer to sit at home and go on tumblr. It's the best thing created by people ever. I spend most of my time reading one direction fanfics and looking at cute animal pictures. Yeah, that's how I plan on living my life.

I don't mind it either, it's nice and simple and barely any drama. I find school way too easy for me, there's nothing to do. Most of the time I am sent to this 'special class' for over acheievers, even that's to easy for me. So I just spend my time in the 'gifted' peoples class and spend my school life on tumblr. People say that I am spoiled and they're completely right, I'm the child of one of the richest families at our school. People say that it gives me an 'advantage' over them but that's not true, I had to work hard to get smart. Anyone could do it, I was just the only one that could be bothered to do it.

Everyone looked asleep, I could still see Eliza cuddling up to Reuben (Eugh) and Tyler looked really sleepy. So naturally I pushed him out of my way and looked outside the window again. I could see what looked like a city, the lights shined bright in the night. The buildings reminded me of home.

I could hear what sounded like another plane in the distance, as we flew over the sleeping city. Once again I looked out to have another look at the nameless city. It looked like we already passed the city because all I saw was forrested green hills and the odd farm house dotted about. I saw a long stretch of road which probably lead into another town, or perhaps a city.

I heard the plane again. Followed by some strange noise? It's hard to explain it. My gaze was still locked on the green country side. But something seemed odd. A strange light was emitting from off the edge of my vision. It seemed really unordinary.


More turbulence. But this time it didn't stop. It got more and more violent. This was like in one of those news reports about a crashed plane. I don't want to be a statistic!

There was a giant crash followed by a blood-curdling groaning coming from inside the plane. That's when the plane split apart. I looked over at my parents, desperately trying to spot them. Then my heart stopeed. I realized they were on the other half of the plane that got split off. I heard screaming, yelling. Panic filled the air, accompanied by a sense of dread and imminent doom. I looked over at my sister and saw her holding Reuben tight. Suddenly the idea of having a boyfriend didn't seem as bad. I don't want to die on this plane. I won't. I looked over at Tyler and saw him holding his seat in terror, I think I was screaming, I think everyone was screaming at this point.

Then another horrible groan made my stomach sick. I started puking. Before I knew it the plane was split down the middle and heading down to the ground. I looked over and saw that Eliza was far, far away. My life flashed before my eyes. All the things I did, and was going to do. Everything that was and could've been. 

Then it all went black.

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