Chapter 11

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-This is a short chapter because I'm a little busy! Also I hope you Enjoy the chapter!-
-8 Shift-


Takemichi was gaping at his captors, as a lot of questions began buzzing through his mind as he continued staring at them. There infront of him are two figures.

One is a floating triangle that exactly looks like (Y/n), except it was color blue and the tophat was slightly crooked. It's huge single eye had a single tear at the edge as its blue body glowed slightly.

 It's huge single eye had a single tear at the edge as its blue body glowed slightly

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Besides the triangle is a pink flaming female resembling a bubble gum stood. She have a short pink hair, bangs parted across her face, and several small horns across her skull in between her two other large curved horns. A single eye was placed just above her wide mouth with thick lips that hides her buck teeth and fangs.

 A single eye was placed just above her wide mouth with thick lips that hides her buck teeth and fangs

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"P-Please listen to what we're going to say." the blue triangle told him, a fearful look on it's features as the triangle began to shift.

In the place of the blue triangle was the exact replica of (Y/n), but everything in blue color. Whilst the pink creature turned into a more 'humanly' form, by hiding her horns.

"W-Who are you?!" Takemichi panicked as he stared at them with wide eyes, and was about to call to the (h/c)nette demon's name but the pink one put her hand on his mouth.

"Don't call her name! By just stating her name it's equal to summoning her." The pink demon hissed at him with a glare, while the blue one flinched at her tone.

"Pyronica... I think you're suffocating him." The blue demon stated quietly with a worried look, making the creature named 'Pyronica' release the male.

Isosceles (Tokyo Revengers X F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now