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"Okay, good night guys." I waved at the boys as it was custom for the men in our group to make sure all the women get home safely before heading home themselves. "We should party again!" Luffy chuckled loudly, how he had so much energy this late at night impressed me. "We will." I giggle as Ace and Sabo begin to direct Luffy away from my house; Zoro and Sanji already butting heads about something as they followed the trio down the street. I let out a soft sigh as I unlock the front door and open it, gasping out "Bepo!" Our dog had decided to answer the door when I opened it, knocking me completely off my feet and onto my ass. His tail wagged rapidly as he barked, licking my face as if I had just doused my skin with his favorite steak sauce. "Bepo...!" I laugh and try to push the big lug off of me. "I'm happy to see you too." He moves forward and plops himself right on my lap, nudging my face with his big head. "Your in a playful mood." I scratch at his big belly, stuck in the doorway.
After a few minutes, I finally pushed Bepo off me and stood up, closing the front door and locking it. "Okay Bepo, it's been a long day, time for bed." I patted his head before checking his water bowl. "Did Daddy remember to take you for a walk?" I glanced over at Bepo, who padded after me and just gave a small wag of his tail. "That's good." I set his bowl down before making my way down the hallway and into the bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my keys on the dresser before flopping onto the bed. "Fae~ya, that you?" Law mumbled from under the covers. "Yeah." I mutter back before rolling over to take ahold of Law's hand, drifting off to sleep.

"Babe~ya, it's time to get up." Law whispered softly as his hand placed on my shoulder, slowly rubbing down my arm. I let out a soft groan as I cracked open an eye, "Morning already?" I peek out of my open eye to see a smiling Law, a tray sitting down in front of his lap. "Yes, it is." He chuckled softly, "Also I decided to make you breakfast." I yawned and stretched before slowly sitting up in bed to look at what was in the plate. Bacon and eggs, along with a piece of French toast; which I found amusing as Law absolutely detests bread. "Mm~ Looks good." I grin as he leaned over to give my cheek a kiss, "I love you." I blush dark, "I love you too." Any sense of romance always made me blush. I cut a few pieces of the egg apart before eying Law, "So what is special about today?" "What do you mean?" He questioned in a playful tone, giving me a teasing look. "The only time that you make breakfast is when there is something important happening, like on our anniversary or on my birthday; which I know today isn't either." I reply as I take a bite of toast and he gives a bit of a shrug, "Maybe you should just wait and see~" "Babe~" I groaned, "Can't you just tell me?" "That would ruin the surprise." He grins before making his way back out of the room, probably to clean up the kitchen. I lean over to the nightstand and grab my phone to text Robin. If today had some holiday she would definitely know.

Ugh, I'm at a total lost. Is there any special occasion today? Sent at 9:00 am.

Not today, why what's up? Received 9:00 am.

I frown a bit and rack my brain as I reply.

Law made breakfast. Sent 9:02 am.

Maybe it's a surprise? Received 9:02 am.

Man she was fast at texting.
I stared at my screen as I tried to figure out what to say in response. I wasn't sure what to really say.

Maybe. 😖 I'll let you know. Sent 9:09 am.

Sounds good. Received 9:10 am.

I set my phone down and finished breakfast. I put on a loose fitting t-shirt over my sports bra and then tugged on some denim shorts. I grabbed the plate and the tray before making my way into the kitchen to see that even the house looked spotless. "Do we have guests coming over?" I tilt my head in confusion as I set down my plate and tray on the counter. "I decided to clean the house. I know you usually do all the work on top of your own job." Law spoke up and I smiled warmly, "That's so sweet of you." He turned to give me a smile before he continued the dishes. "I think I will go on a quick run." I began to tie up my hair and looked over at Bepo, "You ready, Buddy?" He barked and waved his tail as he danced around the kitchen table. I giggled as I walked over to grab his leash and then turned to Law, "I should be back in about 20, is that alright?" I clipped the end on Bepo's collar and Law grinned at me, "Sounds good." He walked over, after drying his hands and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek. I blushed and then look away, "I'll be back. Come on Bepo!" I head over to the front door and we both exit.

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