Furry Choas

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Katsuki was walking down the sidewalk after patrolling all day. The firey hero hasn't had an easy day and things are about to get worse.

He's fucking hot, tired, battered and bruised from one villain attack after another.

Everything that could go wrong today did and he just wants to go the fuck home to the apartment he shares with his boyfriend Izuku, shower, eat and hold that fucking nerd till he passes out for the night but now there's a redhead on the phone rambling about fucking something, of course there is.

" Ah Bakubro, you uh need to come back to headquarters and um as fast as you can man" , Kirishima says in a tone that annoyed the blonde almost instantly.

" Why?! What the fuck for?! I just got off, I'm going the fuck home.", the blonde snapped angerly as he began pulling off his hero costume gloves harshly.

Kirishima laughs with nervousness.

" Well bro, kinda hard to explain, better if you see first"

Katsuki raises a brow while he wipes sweat from his forehead with his arm.

" The fuck is that suppose to mean? And why aren't you out on patrol?! Didn't you have patrol with Dunce and Deku today?" , Katsuki snapped rubbing his temple feeling a headache coming.

There's another nervous laugh that the blonde definitely doesn't like.

" Well you see bro that's what we have to talk about"

Katsuki furrows both brows. Something isn't right here.

" Five fucking minutes, I'll be there in five fucking minutes" , he hung up before Kirishima could respond.

True to his word five minutes later Katsuki was taking heavy annoyed strides through the front door of the hero agency while he pulled his mask off. He was dirty, sweaty and so fucking over this God damn day, now he's on a side mission to find out what the hell was so damn important that he had to come into headquarters and couldn't be told over the phone.

The firey hero is stalking down the hallway when suddenly in a confrence room off to the right he sees Kirishima, and Denki through the glass window all gathered around fucking something.

He scowls as he slams the door open and heads into the room.

" Ok extras, what the fuck is so important that you had to drag me in here, what the hell could possibly be the rea..."

Crimson eyes suddenly land on something sitting on the center of the table on a blanket.

It's tiny, and deep forest green, with one floppy ear hanging down and one up right that's bent slightly at the tip. Deep green eyes that are large and wide and a nose that is lighter green and constantly twitching. It's a bunny, a god damn bunny, but for some reason that's now making Katsuki's stomach knot uncomfortablely this damn bunny is almost filimair....too filimair.

" What the fuck is that?" , the blonde growls, eyes still on the tiny thing who's looking back at him.

Kirishima exchanges looks with Denki, looks they are both praying won't be their last because the explosive blonde already looks pissed and he doesn't even know yet.

" Who, is that", Kirishima corrects trying his best to give a smile.

Crimson eyes snap to soft red ones.

" What? No WHAT, what the fuck is that?!"

" Who bro, who is that.", Denki now corrected looking at the blonde who now is a hundred times more annoyed than he first was.

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