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Aurora lupin
Tw: self harm
Two days, two days until I have to go back to school.

I sat on the couch with my mom, holding my hand to her stomach as my baby brother kicked.

"Ew, that's kinda gross." I cringed feeling him kick out into my hand.

my mom laughed,"the little fucker is crushing my ribs." She groaned.

"You nerves to go back?" She asked, I swallowed.

"Maybe. I have to get it over with eventually."

"Going back or seeing Mattheo?" She asked

"Seeing him." I whispered, I can't imagine seeing him with her.

A part of me keeps telling myself not to be mad at him because I didn't really set any rules for the break but I'm also pissed at him for hanging with Julie the day we decided to take a break, even if we had broken up forever and I never wanted anything to do with him again you would think he would have the decency to wait a few days before hanging out with another girl.

As much as I want to fight with him and freak out about him hanging out with her, it's been nice just with my mom, dad, and friends.

It's hard being a girlfriend to him, I feel like I owe him more than my friends and family, and I can't give him anymore than I feel comfortable with.

So I'm gonna try and keep my distance from him when I get back, it's gonna hurt but probably not as much as it would be to see him.

"I'm all for you doing what you feel is best for you but do you really think breaking up with mattheo is what's best?" My mom asked placing her hand on top of mine on her stomach.

"I don't know. I miss him, and I do- I do want him. I think I just need time alone." I explained.

"I need to be able to fix myself."

She offed a small smile. "Okay."


One day later

Rose and I roamed Eva's for a book for me to take back to school.

She handed me fifty shades of grey, "since your mom isn't with you" she smirked.

"I don't even know if I'd like this." I said spinning the book around and looking over the back.

"Do you like sex?" She asked.

My cheeks heated and I looked over at her wide eyed.

"Do you?" She asked again.

"I-yeah. Yeah." I laughed.

"Then you'll like it." She smiled.

"Fine I'll get it." I smiled back at her.

"I'm gonna miss you." She groaned.

"Same, I'm not ready to go back to the real world." I sighed, sitting down at a small circular table.

"Oh so I'm not part of the real world?" Rose asked, a smirk on her lips as she sat down across for me.

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