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Aurora Lupin

I groaned dramatically, throwing a pillow over my head.

"Shut up Mattheo." I say then freeze, I hear two voices.

"Zander?" I lift my head from the pillow.

Zander smiles at me and waves, he stands beside Mattheo with his arms crossed. He looks hungover but like he's had time to have some coffee.

"What's going on?" I ask sitting up in bed, Zander's eyes widen, his jaw drops and he quickly turns away from me.

A cold breeze hits my chest, my eyes widen in fear.

Mattheo smirks at me and I feel like crying.

I just flashed Zander.

"I'm naked?!" I panicked wrapping the blankets around my body.

"You didn't know you were naked?" Zander asks, his back still turned to me.

"Morning beautiful." Mattheo kisses my cheek.

"Hi." I rub my forehead.

"I knew I wasn't dressed I just didn't think you'd walk in here, or that Mattheo would let you in here!" I shout in annoyance.

They are so irritating.

Zander laughs, "it was either me or your parents."

My eyes widen, "my parents are here?"

Zander huffs, "I'm turning around." He announces and turns around to face Mattheo and I.

"My mom invited your parents for breakfast." Zander says simply, "I could have let them come up here and see you naked in bed with Mattheo or I could have saved you the embarrassment of having to explain that." Zander gestured between Mattheo and I.

I'm now realizing Mattheo just got out of bed.

Mattheo laughs, "on an even more embarrassing note, Zander was just telling me how he fucked his pillow last night—." Zander slaps Mattheo's arm.

"I said, I THINK!" He snapped roughly.

Mattheo laughed.

I covered my mouth and tried not to laugh but the more I thought of it the funnier it got.

He thought that pillow was Jas.

Zander sighs, rubbing his tired eyes, "I think.. I fucked my pillow last night." He admits, embarrassed.

"I really didn't need to know that."

"So how do you know you fucked your pillow? Wake up with cum all over yourself?" Mattheo laughed.

Zander fake laughed, "get ready, I'm not in the mood to talk to parents. Make sure to shower Aurora you have cum in your hair." Zander pointed to me.

I lifted my hand to my hair confused.

"Haha! Made you look!" Zander laughs before leaving the room.

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