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I find handcuffs in an abandoned police car and put them around his wrists and a gun to his side."You see,I'm not like ,Steve. You guys-Hydra I mean-caused enough pain for me to be unforgiving. You make one move I don't like,I'll blow your brains all over this concrete,and noone will care. Do you understand me?"

"Go to Hell."

"I really don't like you."

Up above,a jet slips past us,headed towards the heaviest populated part of town. I know it's Tony,and that the second plane chasing after him is Steve.

Ward laughs."He's gonna do it. He's gonna kill them."

I watch as Steve manuevers the jet ,trying to get Tony back over water,but it's not working.

I have to get to Coulson.

Peggy jogs next to me,looking at Ward as if he is the worst thing on the planet."Why is he still kicking?"

"We need him. There's much more to this than we are seeing."

"Where's Natasha?"

"Where's Bobbi-"

"At S.H.I.E.L.D with Agents Fitz and Simmons."

Peggy turns."Bruce,you came."

"Dr. Banner-"

"I don't need an introduction. I just need to know what I can do to help."

"We have no idea where Natasha went."

Peggy looks back at me."How are we going to find her if our comms are down."

"Peg,I really don't think if they were even up,she'd answer."

"What are you saying."

"I'm saying,we probably don't have much time before she's gone. And we need to find her before that happens."

Peggy nods."We have to split up. I'll go into the city,Bruce search the back alleys and Bucky go back to where we crashed."

I nod and everyone begins walking their seperate ways. I shove Ward forward and begin walking back to the fallen quinjet.

The streets there are now empty,save for the few idiot stragglers,taking footage of Ward and I and snapping photos of the quinjet.

There is an abandoned warehouse just across from the fallen quinjet,though the doors are all sealed shut."Suspiscious to you,Pretty Boy?"

He remains silent and I shove him forward to the door."This is just great,isn't it?"

I shoot him in the leg and he falls to the ground yelling curses."Don't even think about getting away."

I slide my hands beneath the very small opening at the bottom,and struggle to push it up. The metal curls,but does not budge. I continue pushing it up ,until I am able to push up the door.

I snatch Ward from the ground and push him forward. He stumbles forward and falls,though I tear him from the ground,and shove him forward again."Walk."

"You shot me in the leg."

"And if you don't walk,I'm going to shoot you in the head."

He spits on my boots and begins limping into the warehouse.

Ward,shoulders slump and his eyes widen. He begins to run toward a crumpled shape on the ground.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no." He kneels down over the shape and begins to sob over it. Not very far away,slumped against the wall,not doing much better herself,is Natasha.

I run to her as fast as my legs will allow,and lay two fingers against her throat. Her pulse is faint and fading,and her chest just barely rises and falls."You gotta hang in there for me,'Tash,alright."

We shouldn't have split up. We shouldn't have spilt up!

I take Natasha in my arms,forgetting about Ward. Someone will find him.And I begin running. I begin running for her life.

"Sir,I may be of use."

A tall man with a hood stands in front of me."I don't have time for this she's dying."

"Yeah,and I can get her to a hospital faster than you can."

"Who are you."

"Call me Quicksilver."

He removes the hood,revealing his white head of hair."Let me take her,Sir. She'll die,staying with you."

I have to trust him. I have to or else she'll die. I've never seen or heard of him,but I have to trust him."What hospital."

"Trust me,I'll be back in a few seconds so we can go together."

He snatches Natasha from my arms and dissapears. Gone.

"What the hell?"

He returns,Natasha no longer in his arms."What the hell did you do!"

"My name is Pietro Maximoff. You may,or may not have met me when we were with Von Strucker. They call my sister and I the Miracle Twins."

"Where is Natasha."

"At the hospital being treated."

"You teleport."

He laughs."I'm just really fast,"He nods to the warehouse."You got a guy from Hydra in there I'd assume?"

"Yeah,how'd you."

"Pleasure to meet you,Mr. Barnes. Now,let's go get Ward and I'll take you to the hospital where you can call your friends back at S.H.I.E.L.D."

He dissapears and returns with Ward."Shall we?"

"I can't run that fast."

"Don't worry. I can walk to."

I nod and together we begin walking in the direction of this hospital.

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