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"Bow!! Bow!!" That dog was jumping around here and there, wiggling his tail in the balcony up.

"Hey! Buddy! I shook my hand jumping excitedly while showing my wide smile.

He was so.. cute.

Suddenly, everything got still around me and that sweet tingling feeling resurfaced.

When I saw him...

Only one word to describe..



So hey! Lovely readers ☺️

How y'all doing?
It's have been so long since I last updated right?

I'll be updating sooner the next chapter of "Destiny to meet you" please wait alittle bit more okay..🙈

So y'all all be thinking what crap was that ..

Surprise 🎉It's my new fanfiction

It was a little sneak peek of the new story..
Hope you love and support this story too.

Hope you love and support this story too

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